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Fluffy Hitman is lazy. Lazy enough not not get known for most of a year. He is a seventeen year old college student from Colorado, and his hobbies include video games, computers, cars, playing guitar, guns, run on sentences, too, many, commas, and not talking in the third person.

I write, not well, yet, but I think better than some tripe that gets published which a gentleman would be too polite to name. I must admit there is usually the least bit of writer on board involved, but I try to minimize it, down to the amount that there always is showing of the author's beliefs.

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Things I enjoy:

Books: I like mainly fantasy and sci-fi books, especially if they are funny.

  • I greatly enjoy Terry Pratchett's works. My favorite are the city watch novels, largely due to Vimes, though Carrot is highly entertaining as well.
  • I also like David Eddings' books, I didn't even dislike the Young Gods series, even though I felt it was somewhat stale. Sparhawk is my favorite of his characters, this teenager apparently has a fondness for Badass Grandpas. Maybe I'll get to be one when I'm old, not the goes out and almost gets killed badass grandpa, the kind whose grandchild says "My grandad could beat up your dad"
  • Neil Gaiman is another author whose works I have read most of. I was introduced to his books by The Books of Magic and Sandman. I like his way of doing endings, not happily ever after, not downer, but "Bad things happened. Life goes on." Something he shares with...
  • William Gibson. I like how his writing tends to have just the slightest bit that seems supernatural. The Loa in The Sprawl Trilogy, The Bridge, the Walled City, and Nodal Points from The Bridge Trilogy, and Cayce's fashion allergy and father's voice in her head in Pattern Recognition (haven't read Spook Country yet). His description of objects seems almost dreamlike as well, my favorite is his way of describing Flecktarn, my camo of choice.
  • Tamora Pierce is one of my favorite young adult authors, my mother introduced me to her work, and I'm glad she did. I think it is thanks to my mother and authors like Tamora Pierce that I find the idea of needing distaff counterparts for heroic parts odd, because I'm used to them enough that I don't even think about it.
  • And who can forget The Princess Bride? I'm very glad that the title didn't quite manage to dissuade me from reading it. So many quotables.


  • I'm largely a Heavy metal person, and I betray this in meatspace with my mode of dress. I like most kinds of metal, though I'm not often in the mood for black metal, and I don't like grindcore or any of it's derivatives. Bands of special note are
  • Agalloch: Genre-breaking dark metal, going from drone to death to doom-tinged post or folk metal. If someone makes a page for them, it will probably be me, there are only two examples with them so far.
  • Clutch: Over the course of 18 years, has gone from melvins-ish hardcore punk to laid back stoner rock to crunchy, funky stoner rock, to more straightforward (still stoner) rocking, to groovy stoner rock, to more crunchy stonerriffing, with a blues influence, to bluesy rock, with less stonerness than for a long time. All that in 18 years, and the band manages to stay distinctive, and only put out good albums. Don't believe there are any examples of them on this wiki, just a lot of references to other kinds of clutch.
  • Down: Take 2 parts Pantera, remove musical style. Take one part Corrosion of Conformity, drain most of the vocals. Take one part Crowbar, remove all vocals. Take one part half the sludge metal bands out there. Stir together in New Orleans, add whiskey, beer, marijuana, other drugs to taste. Serve with a large portion of distortion and headbanging. Southern sludge metal from New Orleans, Louisiana, Down is a supergroup composed almost entirely of friends that grew up together, all of which ended up musicians, well known at least within their subculture. Consistently good, and who would have thought Phil Anselmo could actually sing?
