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Tropers / Alphinaldo

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Hello and welcome to my humble page.

I am a Brazilian living on the northern part of the country, perhaps in one of their hottest cities too. English is my second language, but it is the one I use it most for any content I want to read or watch.

I like: videos of car mechanic fails, speedrunning videos, moderate doses of Reddit, simulation/management games and Final Fantasy XIV (from which I got my username).

I lurk here since circa 2017 after a friend presented it to me. By then my trope interests were like the sea waves, coming and going. Often I searched for something specific to enhance my understanding of some works (it's impressive how much one can learn here about the lore of Neon Genesis Evangelion).

But it was in June 2023, by pure chancenote , that I discovered the initiative of translating the tropes to my mother tongue. I love these sort of uncompleted projects with the possibility of glory, so I decided to create an account. My main focus here is to localize the tropes to PT-BR, as well as keeping watch over the Br namespaces. Every now and then I also fix an occasional typo, redirect or add a new trope in a work whenever I spot it.

If you want to help with the translation, join us here so we can coordinate. Thanks :)

I also intend to create pages for works I know and like whenever possible. Pages created so far:

Se você fala português, junte-se a mim na iniciativa de tradução e ajude a espalhar a palavra dos tropos :) Para se situar melhor:

Se você sente que determinada página poderia ter um título mais adequado, me escreva uma mensagem :) pensar em nomes adequados às vezes é difícil. Mas encorajo que isso seja comunicado no tópico relevante acima.
