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Trivia / Wrestling With Wregret

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  • Acting for Two: Any time Zane is talking to some other character, that other character invoked is probably also played by him.
  • The Cast Showoff: Kayfabe Kitchen is pretty much just an excuse for Zane to show off his cooking skills.
  • Cowboy BeBop at His Computer: In his Heroes of Wrestling review, he claims that "Mini Bundy" (a man seen at ringside through the show that resembled King Kong Bundy, albeit much smaller than him) is the promoter of the show, Bill Stone. While it is a popular misconception,note  Mini Bundy's real name is Michael Henry. Bill Stone was slimmer and has more hair for starters. Also, we saw Michael Henry before the main event; he was the valet in the pre-match promos between Tully Blanchard and Stan Lane.
  • Creator's Favorite Episode: For the series' fourth anniversary, Zane made his Top 8 Favorite Wregret Videos list. Number 1 overall is the video about Just Another Romantic Wrestling Comedy.
  • Falsely Advertised Accuracy: Zane has criticized Sting: Moment of Truth, The Jesse Ventura Story, and WWE Unauthorized for being inaccurate for wrestling fans.
  • Missing Episode: Zane ended up removing a number of his videos in the wake of the #SpeakingOut movement, most notably the "8 Outrageous LGBT Gimmicks (and 1 Subtle One)" video due to the inclusion of Joey Ryan, one of the most high-profile wrestlers to be accused in it.note 
  • Role-Ending Misdemeanor:
    • J Biggs, who served as a occasional co-host for prediction videos and was the Wrestling With Wregret podcast co-host, was removed from the channel for transphobic remarks in 2022.
    • Contributer R. Felix Finch was disassociated from the channel and had all his videos removed after being accused of sexual harassment.
  • What Could Have Been:
    • In the This Week in Wregret episode covering his Ultimate Death Match 3 review, Zane revealed two big setpieces he wanted to include in the video:
      • The Reveal that he appears in the film as an extra was supposed to be punctuated by a Cutaway Gag in which Zane finds himself in front of the venue the film's wrestling scenes were shot in. Entering the building, he would find a wrestling ring along with as many wrestlers from the film as he could get, all of whom would beat him up. The plan fell apart after he found out not only that the venue was now an art gallery, but it refused to rent the space out to him, and so the gag in the final video is a much smaller moment of Zane having a Freak Out where he "unlocks repressed memories" of being involved in the film.
      • The video ends with another reveal of who sent Zane the Ultimate Death Match DVDs. The original plan was to get Al Snow to appear in-character as Frosty Jane, claiming that he was working on a revival of the Ultimate Death Match promotion, and nudged Zane into reviewing the films as a Viral Marketing stunt. This fell through when Snow didn't fulfill Zane's Cameo order in time, and so the contingency plan was used instead: revealing that the Annihilator sent the DVDs out of anger that Zane dropped the character after just one video eight years prior. This actually gets lampshaded in the review itself where the Annihilator outright states the aforementioned plan, though the way he says it left it ambiguous whether he was serious or joking until the This Week in Wregret episode.
    • In his tenth anniversary rewatch of his first video, Zane reveals that he considered ending the show around its second year, feeling he had done all he could with the concept. He changed his mind after the channel suddenly took off in popularity.
