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Trivia / Over The Hills And Far Away

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Trivia about the fanfic.

Both works
  • Author Avatar While both protagonists are based on the authors who wrote the fics, they are heavily fictionalized.
  • Dueling Works:
    • With A Not-So Hallowed Nest which has a similar dueling protagonist premise, but with the lead characters coming to be different vessels with different routes with A Not So Broken Vessel taking place in a timeline where the protagonist of A Not So Hollow Knight died.
    • According to statements on Discord, the two have something of a blessing of the writer of A Not-So Hollow Knight in writing this, as it's distinct enough to stand apart from the other work in its concepts.
  • Dummied Out The earliest posted about version of the fic involved a different time frame, no dueling protagonists and a lack of Translation Convention. No word yet on why the original concept was changed so much.

Under the Hills
  • Is the co-writer of A Not-So Hallowed Nest - specifically the writer of A Not-So Broken Vessel.

Far Away
  • He Also Did: The author's Tumblr indicates that they write porn "semi-professionally" as well as create fanfiction for fun.
  • The author shared that ey are the victim of a familial abduction and never saw eir children again.
