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Trivia / Monsters (2010)

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  • Amateur Cast: Besides the lead couple none of the cast members had any acting experience.
  • Author Appeal: Director Gareth Edwards has admitted to having a Longing for Fictionland "secret fantasy" of living in a world where Kaiju are real.
  • No Budget: Was made on $500,000 in spite of the massive, Hollywood-quality CGI monsters that play a small but vital role in the film. The locations, including monster-smashed landscapes and various exotic South American locales are also pretty impressive. The director, Gareth Edwards, made all the CGI on his home computer, most of the locations were stolen, and many supporting characters were simply bystanders recruited to improvise scenes on the spot. The boats and trucks in trees were probably left there by previous hurricanes.
  • Reality Subtext: The U.S border has walls at high traffic areas, and the rest is patrolled, all to control the flow of aliens in the immigration sense.
  • Sleeper Hit: Made on a budget of $500,000 and made approximately eight times that at the box office.
  • Writing by the Seat of Your Pants: The film was made without a completed screenplay. Instead, the crew travelled from location to location and Gareth Edwards would ask locals for interesting spots where he could shoot and then sketch out a scenario based on what he saw.
