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Trivia / Memoirs of Magic

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  • Development Gag: Mr. Shadow's character portrait and appearance are the placeholder art from early development versions of the game for characters.
  • Dummied Out: Loremaster Thesis was intended to be an alternative final boss that appeared after performing a genocide run against all of the leaders of the kingdoms. Projectiles, models, and textures for her still exist in the game's files, but the boss itself doesn't function.
  • Model Dissonance: Ifrit's flaming hair and censor flames are not part of his model; his body model has holes where the flames go.
  • Referenced by...: The Pickle enemy in Pizza Tower is directly based on the Ropers from this game.
  • Staff-Created Fan Work: Being a game with official art created by a furry artist, and featuring a fair number of humanoid animals and a furry imp as playable characters, it's not exactly hard to put two-and-two together on what other types of art they made based on the game.
  • What Could Have Been: Lots of stuff was changed throughout development. Some examples include...
    • Many, many forest maps were created but didn't make it to the final game which can be seen on the author's old Tumblr blog here, and here.
    • The shops in the Boulevard Emporium were originally intended to have significantly more detail.
    • Zandro was intended to wield a whip-sword as seen in this development video. His spells were originally different as well; some of these spells still exist in the game, but are assigned to different items and are no longer exclusive to him.
    • There was supposed to be a second set of official character art that encompassed bosses and summons alongside the heroes, but this never came to be outside of Gremile's.
