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Trivia / Littlest Pet Shop

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  • Channel Hop: The toyline was originally produced in the '90s by Kenner, then a subsidiary of Hasbro. Upon the toyline's 2005 relaunch, Hasbro itself began producing the line. In 2022, Hasbro announced it had loaned the rights to the franchise out to Basic Fun, with a planned 2024 relaunch date, as part of a broader outsourcing initiate by Hasbro.
  • Repeating Ad: Around the mid-to-late 2010s, children's channels such as Nickelodeon would often run two different ads in a row for Littlest Pet Shop toys during commercial breaks.
  • Show Accuracy/Toy Accuracy: As Kirsten Ulve was hired to redesign the toyline and provide artistic input for Littlest Pet Shop (2012) at the same time, the toys made for and concurrently with the run of the show are highly faithful to her concept art for it. This level of show accuracy actually caused problems for the toys; the tiny bodies and limbs of Ulve's style combined with the franchise's preexisting large heads for the animals resulted in many toys lacking a stable base and thus being prone to falling over.
