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Trivia / Lightbringer

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  • Creator Backlash: Upon being asked about the early strips at Magfest 2011, Lewis Lovhaug stated "Old Lightbringer sucks." The backlash stems from his view that his younger self was overly opinionated. During an episode of Atop the Fourth Wall (Black Web #1 review), Lewis Lovhaug talks about them as an "old shame".
  • Referenced by...: The comic was reviewed by Riiser of The Webcomic Relief, who started to review webcomics thanks to Atop the Fourth Wall but was very disappointed by the work, calling it bad and very similar to Sonichu in many points.
    Riiser: How much of an ego must you have to put yourself in a comic twice? No wonder Lewis didn't want to review Sonichu, this comic is basically just that. It really is a comic that looks like has been drawn by a child with the grandiose thought that their comic is the biggest best thing since sliced-bread, that they are ready to lie to their audience ("Don't worry, we'll get into that later"), a comic that would completely detract from the actual plot just to go on a tangent as a mouthpiece from the creator. A comic that has clear obvious self-insert with close ties to the creator's real life, the only difference here is that there is not a fucking chapter dedicated to the sex life of Lightbringer. The comic isn't as offensive as Sonichu, but it sure has the same feel and its just uncomfortable to read.
