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Trivia / Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II

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  • Acting for Two: Pic and 8t88 are both voiced by Denny Delk, which is amusing, since Gorc and Pic are the ones who end up disabling 88.
  • The Other Darrin: While Kyle's voice actor changed for almost every game in the series, barring Academy, his voice actor changes for the expansion pack here, switching from Jason Court to Rino Romano.
  • What Could Have Been: Not using FMV cutscenes for the expansion pack was a decision made due to the tight development schedule. Otherwise, the developer would have been happy to use those.

Other trivia

  • Contrary to the popular belief, Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II was not the first Star Wars game to utilize live-action cutscenes. That honor goes to the second installment in the Rebel Assault series, where the technique was utilized much more frequently.
  • It was also not, as is often claimed, the first Star Wars game to introduce lightsabers as weapons (it was, however, when it comes to the ability to choose between the light and dark sides of Force). The history of usable lightsabers in Star Wars video games began as early as 1983, with Jedi Arena, released for the Atari 2600.
  • It is the only entry in the Dark Forces Saga not to feature any characters or locations known from the movies. Well, unless you count Sariss being retconned into A New Hope.
