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Trivia / Intertwined II The Lost Spirits

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  • Creator Breakdown: The final chapter announcing the discontinuation of the sequel states that the authors went through some personal things that contributed to their decision to stop writing it.
  • Creator's Favorite:
    • Both creators love Mason.
    • Tiffani is Houssem's favorite parent.

  • Creator's Favorite Episode: Houssem's are "Meet Eliza" and a lot of the Wham Episodes, actually.

  • Series Hiatus: Due to the longer chapters compared to the first book, this happens often.

  • Write What You Know: While the sequel added supernatural elements, some of the Slice of Life elements are still inspired by the creators' Real Life experiences.

  • Write Who You Know: Although Matt is Houssem's Author Avatar, Mike's family is actually the closest to Houssem's IRL family, down to the names:
    • Indeed, Houssem has three younger brothers. Austin's name came about because Houssem's first brother's name also starts with an A, while his third and fourth brothers' names actually start with Y and M respectively, he named them Zach and Henry, partially because he likes the name Zach and it is close to Y, and because Mike's name already starts with an M; he chose a name that starts with an H (because Houssem's name starts with an H) instead, so as to reverse the names of the eldest and youngest.
    • The same applies to Mark and Sophie. Houssem's parents' names start with an M (the father) and an S (the mother).
