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Trivia / Fugitive Alien

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  • The Danza: Captain Joe was played by veteran Japanese character actor, Jô Shishido note .
  • Follow the Leader: Star Wars — especially the turret guns in Star Force and the expies of C-3PO and R2-D2 that appeared in Star Wolf. Ken even ends up dressed like Han Solo as he becomes a rakish mercenary.
    • Then there's the Darth Vader-like Lord Halkon. The Star Wolves fighters resemble X-Wings note ... Both Seysar and Valnastar possess or are about to possess a planet-destroying superweapon... Ken also gets in a bar fight with some melon-helmeted Karraran mooks who say similar stuff as Dr. Cornelius Evazan in Star Wars: A New Hope note ... There's even a couple of moments that resemble the "Trench Run" from A New Hope... The initial approach to Seysar by the Bacchus 3 has elements of The Millennium Falcon's initial approach to Cloud City in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back... The story ends with Ken dressed as Han Solo and accompanied by an R2D2 expy.
