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Trivia / Doctor Who S31 E6 "The Vampires of Venice"

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  • Actor-Inspired Element: When discussing the script with Toby Whithouse, Helen McCrory thought that Rosanna should hurt Amy at some point and it was added that she bites Amy while she is in the chamber.
  • California Doubling: Croatia Doubling, since the city of Trogir has authentically Venetian architecture (but no canals).
  • Deleted Scene: The episode had several scenes cut for time. This included a fight sequence between the Doctor and Rosanna's steward, and longer scenes between Rory and Francesco and the Doctor and Amy during the ending.
  • Looping Lines: Alex Price's lines had to be re-recorded because he found it difficult to speak with the vampire teeth.
  • Prop Recycling: The chair Amy is strapped into is the Cyberking's throne.
  • Recycled Script: The episode has similarities to "School Reunion", also written by Toby Whithouse. Both episodes feature the boyfriend of a current companion and the stories ending with them joining the crew; both aliens have vampiric traits and try to make a deal with the Doctor; and both episodes start with a Cold Open of a girl being attacked, followed by the Doctor having mundane shenanigans.
  • What Could Have Been:
    • The flower vendor was supposed to have a larger role, including being named Bianca.
    • Several of Whithouse’s ideas had to be cut down for expenses. This included Francesco escaping Amy and Rory by preforming a Wall Crawl and having a monster attacking Isabella during her death scene.
    • Originally, the second half of the Cold Open was placed after the opening titles, since the first scene of the episode ends with Isabella screaming, timed to the start of the title theme. However, as stated in the DVD commentary for the episode, the director thought the second scene of the episode (featuring the Doctor at Rory's stag party) ended with the same comedic awkwardness as the following scene, so they placed that second scene as part of the cold open. Luckily, the effect of the first scene's end does transition well into the second scene, so it wasn't a huge loss.
  • Working Title: Blood and Water and The House of Calvierri.
