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Trivia / Chaldea in Remnant

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  • What Could Have Been: When the story was in production, SkyRig and another author, Daemon of Wrath, were discussing at which point Chaldea in Remnant should take place in the RWBY timeline, with the options being pre-RWBY, Volume 1 or Volume 4. As readers know, the last one won out.
  • Writing by the Seat of Your Pants: SkyRig admits that he's been writing Chaldea in Remnant this way, citing that the only planned events in the story were Roman coming back as a Psuedo-Servant, the CCT coming back online, Ozma and Solomon being summoned and Pyrrha going to search for her team. This is also why he eventually put the story on hiatus so as to plan it out in full rather than continue to play it by ear.
