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Trivia / BattleTech (2018)

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  • Dummied Out:
    • Interestingly, the faction file for the Aurigan Directorate (readable in a standard text editor) actually has unique reputation lines for all reputation levels, of the sort that you'd see if you were being offered a random-generation mission. While lines being there at all is likely for completion's sake to make sure the engine runs correctly (a lot of otherwise-dummy factions have repeated lines in those entries), the fact that these entries are unique and fully in-character suggests that doing jobs for the Directorate was considered at some point during development. In the game as released, you can never do any work for the Directorate, and you cannot see the lines in question unless you mod the game to somehow allow the Directorate to offer jobs.
    • Similarly, the Arano Restoration/Aurigan Coalition file has lines for all levels of loyalty, all written in the character of Kamea. Because you are immediately jammed to maximum for the campaign and the Restoration is restricted in code from being selected as an OpFor, you'll only ever see the highest-loyalty line in the normal game.
  • Similarly Named Works: There was an earlier game titled simply BattleTech; it was an isometric-view game for the Sega Genesis with gameplay similar to the Strike Series. It was later ported to the Super Nintendo Entertainment System under the title Mechwarrior 3050.
