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Trivia / Bad Ronald

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  • Creator's Oddball: One of Jack Vance's few books that are not Science Fiction or Fantasy.
  • Most Writers Are Writers: At several points in the story, Ronald makes excuses that he has to draw a detailed map of his fantasy kingdom and work out all the characters' histories before embarking on the actual book, even though he's locked in a single room with very little to do except write. Most writers (including Jack Vance, himself a prolific author of elaborate fantasy novels) will recognize this particular brand of procrastination.
  • Referenced by...: ...none other than George R. R. Martin, whose A Game of Thrones series contains House Vance of Atranta: Vance for Jack Vance, author of Bad Ronald and Atranta for the name of Ronald's fictional magic kingdom. House Vance is led by Lord Norbert Vance (Norbert being Ronald's Author Avatar in his own works) and his eldest son Ser Ronald the Bad.
