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Trivia / A Fire of Devotion

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  • Out of Order: For unknown reasons, A Fire of Devotion has the events of the episode Thirty Days happen before Once Upon A Time, unlike the original air date order. This is the only time this happens during the entire fic.
  • What Could Have Been: The episode Bliss is not adapted in the fic, but the Author Notes for Part 2 reveals that originally that was the episode where the Samantha/Seven relationship was going to be revealed to the rest of the crew.
  • Word of Gay: It's only ever said explicitly in the Author's Notes that for the purposes of the fic Samantha Wildman has been retconned to be pansexual, and Seven of Nine to be gay. While the latter can be inferred if you only read the story, anyone who skips the Author's Notes couldn't be blamed for thinking that Samantha was simply Bi.
