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Quotes / A Fire of Devotion

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"Don't we usually get at least a week between crises?"
"I believe that is the average for this ship, yes."
— Samantha Wildman & Seven of Nine

"Are you two dating or something?"
"Right, like that would ever happen. Besides, if these rumors you talked about are true, you're probably more her [Seven of Nine's] type than I am."
"I'd bet five replicator rations that one of the lower deck crewmen already has that as a holodeck program."
— B'Elanna Torres & Chakotay

"You know, with the benefit of hindsight I'm starting to wonder how the Kazon were ever able to hurt us as much as they did. Put bluntly, they were kind of stupid."
— Tom Paris

"I’m a psychiatrist, not an engineer."
— Deanna Troi

"I'll understand if you can't tell me but, is there a reason I or Sam couldn't be here?" Seven said.
"They didn't want to, actually," Icheb said. "You didn't feel it was necessary, and Samantha thought seeing the younger version of you would be, and I quote, weird."
"Besides, what would Mom do with two Seven of Nines here?" Naomi said.
Jadzia opened her mouth to speak, but Janeway gently elbowed her in the arm.
"Don't," Janeway said, pointing at Jadzia.
"I wasn't going to say anything," Jadzia said.
"Sure you weren't," Janeway said, leaving Seven wondering just what they meant.
— From Part 4, in the chapter based on the episode Shattered.

Seven of Nine: Are you uninjured, Captain?
Janeway: I’m fine. *beat* Oh, and Seven?
Seven of Nine: Yes?
Janeway: If we survive this, maybe don’t mention to Samantha that I almost shot you.
— From Part 1, in the chapter based on The Killing Game

Seven of Nine: “One could make the case that you are unhealthily obsessed with my breasts, Samantha Wildman.”
Samantha Wildman: “You’re only noticing this now?”
— From Part 3, in the chapter based on Tsunkatse

"Trust me, Crewman, my senior staff have pulled ideas that saved our ship out of places much darker than your memory."
— Captain Janeway
