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Timeline / That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime

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Before the series

  • Veldanava comes into existence as god
  • Veldanava begins experimenting on the worlds he creates. He forgoes his skills of omnipotence, because he believes it would be boring to know everything from the start.
  • Veldanava creates the Seraphim, the Primordial Demons, The Spirit Queen, the King of the Giants, and several races including humans
  • Guy battles Veldanava, loses, and befriends him. He accepts the role of keeping humans in line to help Veldanava
  • Velzard comes into existence
  • Velgrynd comes into existence
  • Rudra challenges Guy, ends up naming him Guy Crimson and unintentionally evolving him
  • Veldora comes into existence
  • Veldanava falls in love with the human Lucia and has Milim with her
  • Milim is born: Veldanava looses almost all of his power
  • Rudra begins the world's game with Guy Crimson; He establishes the Eastern Empire
  • Veldanava creates a pet dragon for Milim and gifts it to her, in hopes he would one day reincarnate as that dragon
  • Veldanava and Lucia are killed during a terroist attack in the Nasca Empire
  • Milim’s pet dragon is killed, Milim avenges it by destroying the nation responsible, evolving into a true demon lord in the process
  • Milim goes on a rampage and fights Guy Crimson who attempts to stop her, a battle that lasts 7 days and 7 nights, making a wasteland of the world around them. They are only stopped by Ramiris, the Spirit Queen
  • Ramiris is corrupted and thus brought to a demon lord status, due to all the evil energy of the demons and the powerful aura of the dragons she absorbed, a price to pay for returning Milim’s sanity

  • Veldora is sealed in a cave by the Hero for 300 years
  • Satoru Mikami is born

Start of the series

  • On Earth, Satoru Mikami is stabbed while protecting his co-workers. The voice of the world listens to his wishes, ramblings and other details to give Satoru a slime body with resistance to ice, heat and pain. He is also given access to the unique skill, Great Sage. He then is formed as a slime in the world the story is set in.
  • Satoru, now as a nameless sentient slime, meets Veldora. The two hit up a friendship, with Veldora giving Satoru the name Rimuru and Rimuru giving them both the family name Tempest.
  • Rimuru becomes a leader of the Goblins, offering them protection and in turn gaining their everlasting loyalty, naming all 100 of them. A few notable ones being Rigurd, Rigur, and Gobta.
  • Rimuru becomes a leader of the Direwolves, and names the son of the previous leader Ranga.
  • Rimuru meets Kaijin and the three dwarves brothers, and after helping them with a tight order and a frustrating minister after Kaijin, gains their trust and respect and has them join him. They help with construction, clothing, and weapon smithing.
  • Rimuru meets Shizue Izawa, the conqueror of flames, as well as her companions Eren, Kabal and Gido, and learns she came from Japan like him. They start to form a wholesome companionship.
  • Shizue Izawa loses control and is possessed by ifrit, the spirit she harbors inside of her. Rimuru defeats and swallows Ifrit with his skill Predator, saving Shizue.
  • Shizue passed away after losing Ifrit’s influence that kept her young, her last requests being to save the students previously in her care, as well as look out for two other students, a man and a woman. She also wished to know if she meant anything to the demon lord Leon Cromwell, the man who summoned her into this world.
  • Rimuru consumes her with predator after hearing her wish to rest within him, and ended up gaining a human form looking almost exactly like Shizue.
  • Rimuru becomes a leader of the remaining Oni/kijin, naming them Shion, Shuna, Benimaru, Soei, Hakuro and Kurobei.
  • Rimuru learns of how the oni/kijin lost their homes to a horde of orcs being lead by an orc lord, and is asked by Treyni the Dryad to defeat them. Rimuru accepts and wins, despite the orc lord’s unique skill ‘Starved’ and Gabiru’s foolish betrayal.
  • Rimuru becomes a leader of a group of the Lizardmen, naming the leader of the Lizardmen Abiru, and naming his daughter Soka, and renaming his son Gabiru.
  • Rimuru becomes a leader of the Orcs, naming and accepting all surviving 150,000 of them. He names their leader after the late orc lord, Geld.
  • Rimuru becomes chancellor of the Jura Forest Alliance, after its forming, being officially appointed by Treyni the dryad.
  • Rimuru becomes the leader of the Jura Tempest Federation, after its founding.
  • Tempest forms an alliance with the Dwagon Kingdom
  • Tempest forms an alliance with the Kingdom of Blumand
  • Rimuru becomes friends with Milim

1 Year into the series

2 Year into the series
