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Tear Jerker / Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey

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  • Eeyore was eaten alive by Pooh and Piglet after they both fell into survival mode after losing their food resources. Worse yet, after performing the deed they snap back to their senses just long enough to realize the horror of their actions, denouncing their humanity and vowing to never speak again.
  • Christopher Robin's fiancee, Mary, being murdered by Piglet.
  • Christopher Robin's numerous attempts of reasoning with his old friends, to no avail.
  • The fact that towards the end of the movie, Maria doesn't make it. One would think that given her sympathetic backstory involving a stalker and Maria being the most fleshed out character of all the girls, she'd manage to become an Action Survivor. However, no such thing occurs and Pooh kills her while a helpless Christopher Robin can't do anything about it.
