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Tear Jerker / The Hard Times of RJ Berger

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  • When RJ and Jenny break up.
  • The fight between RJ and Miles when Miles substitutes another friend for him, because he missed out on a screening that they were supposed to see together, one part, Miles even throws away part of the Bros necklace that they share together. It works out though, they become friends again.
  • The outcomes to the body reveals in the pilot episode (after the basketball game) and the Berger Cometh episode (the school play). Sure, both times, it was funny, you would only question why the adults mostly would find it entirely acceptable to laugh at someone's kid like that, sure it was probably much harsher to RJ's perspective than it actually was, still, though with a situation such as that, and with a penis that large, obviously Hilarity Ensues. In the latter episode, Miles reminds RJ of a previous school play, which had a much similar outcome (in that one he soiled himself and was in elementary), but the second time RJ starts looking around as if the laughter actually surprised him, though he probably should have expected it, Jenny herself was embarrased and stormed off set, though RJ's reaction was hilariously priceless. She later apologized though, though it was actually more his fault, told him he did exceptionally well despite what others say.
