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Tear Jerker / Soul

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  • One of the souls on the conveyor belt says that he doesn't know where he is or why he isn't running. The way he says it is like he doesn't care. It makes you wonder what happened to him in life that made him like that.
  • Joe seeing the visions of his life and feeling that he left it unaccomplished before his near-death experience, and his whole wish to not die without making something of himself.
  • Terry's situation can be seen as such, considering how she stands out in multiple ways. She's shorter than the Jerrys, her name doesn't match, she's basically as close to being underappreciated as a cosmic entity can get. Even her job, the counting of the passing souls, looks like something that was just handed to her out of pity or to get her off the Jerrys' backs, probably both. Seeing how seriously she takes this mundane, and ultimately pointless job, and how proud she is of every little success she achieves, you might take pity on her.
  • Connie (initially) wanting to quit music class, despite that she has raw talent in playing her trombone. It's implied that the other kids laughing at her is what nearly convinced her to quit, as though it indoctrinated her to believe following her passion wasn't worth being mocked or ridiculed by her peers.
  • The argument Joe and his mother have when he (in the body of Mr. Mittens) expresses to 22 (in his body) that she never seems to support his dreams, especially when he has just landed his dream gig.
  • Joe yelling at 22 after she refuses to give him his body back when she wants to live her own life. He tells her that she will never have a purpose. It causes her to retreat into solitude and turn into a Lost Soul.
    • When Joe returns to try and help her, he ends up inside her state of obsession and sees 22's emotional turmoil, her insecurities and depression represented by visions of her previous mentors all berating her and calling her a lost cause, him included. The look of horror and guilt on Joe's face says it all.
    • Of particular note is that 22's dark memory of his quotes is remembered more harshly than what actually happened. When Joe tells her "That's just regular old living," she remembers him adding "YOU IDIOT" to it, when he did no such thing. The poor thing, she's just that sensitive.
    • Which makes for a bit of Fridge Horror: were all her old mentors so cruel to her that it warped her view of what Joe said, or is she so insecure that she remembers all of them as being much nastier to her than they actually were?
    • Her unwillingness to be born in part out of her belief of not deserving it was foreshadowed early, when one of the Jerrys casually calls her "a lost cause", and she responds in a very resigned tone: "I know I can't feel anything, but don't touch me".
  • Joe remembering the small moments in his life and realizing that he didn't just need to have music to make his life meaningful. He recalls listening to music with his father, standing on the beach with his mother, and even simpler memories like riding on his bike through a beautiful day and eating a delicious slice of pecan pie.
    • Even worse, that same pie-eating was one of the scenes witnessed by Joe and 22 in his "hall of accomplishments", but because it's such a mundane moment surrounded by what he perceives as his failures (being dismissed from auditions, trapped in a teaching position), it was similarly colored by his perception as a negative, even though in the context of the moment, he was enjoying himself.
  • The movie ends with Joe deciding to live his life to the fullest and embrace its possibilities. However, he may never meet 22 again or know what life they will have due to them incarnating as a different person. And even if they were lucky enough to meet again, it was established earlier in the movie that born souls don't remember their time in the Great Before, so the person whose soul is 22 wouldn't have any memory of Joe or their adventures with him.
  • The last 2 minutes of 22 vs Earth, starting in the scene when 22's last minion comforts her and gets its pass.
    22: (Lying on the ground) Argh, we failed, I failed, (sighs, letting down her defenses) None of my friends, they all leave me, (Smiles and looks at Macarooni) except for you Macarooni. (They hug and the soul gets their pass, 22 looks down, her smile becoming a broken one and instantly goes into Tranquil Fury) You've won this round you damn planet, you can take everyone that ever meant anything to me, but you'll never take this soul...
