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Tear Jerker / Rush Hour

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Rush Hour

  • Everything about Soo Yung’s capture. Her screams of utter terror as she’s frantically trying to get away, followed up by her distraught father’s reaction once he’s delivered the news.

    • Keep in mind, this was only her first day of school in a new country.

  • When it seems like Carter and Lee have nearly ruined Consul Han’s chances of getting Soo Yung returned home safely, both look genuinely remorseful for what they’ve done. Lee especially has a My God, What Have I Done?? expression all over his face.
  • The scene where Carter reveals what happened to his father. He was a devoted police officer who died due to some random punk with a gun, all because of a traffic ticket. Worse, his partner could have done something, but didn't out of fear. Small wonder why Carter had such a negative view towards partners.
    • It's also sad how Carter implied that he sees his father's final actions as "meaningless", if mostly to convince Lee to not quit. Earlier, Lee stated in anger that Carter disgraced his father, which probably touched a nerve.

Rush Hour 2

  • When Lee witnesses an explosion destroy his room at the police precinct , his first instinct after getting back his bearings is to run towards the smoldering wreckage, screaming frantically for his best friend because as far as he knew, Carter was still inside .
    • To elaborate on this, Lee mentioned in movie one that he lost a partner before having met Carter . Now he probably thinks he’s lost his second partner . Ouch.
    • Heck, things get even sadder for a while after that. After a brief cut back to Carter enjoying his time in Hong Kong , we’re treated to the sight of Lee again, and see that he’s sitting hunched over, looking absolutely devastated because he assumed that he couldn’t save his best friend . Once the duo are later reunited , the expression on Lee’s face is enough to bring on those tears of joy.

Rush Hour 3

  • The buddy cops have spent two movies going to hell and back together and now their friendship has taken a big hit on account of Carter accidentally shooting Lee’s girlfriend in the neck. She recovered, but still.
  • Poor Soo-Yung. She gets kidnapped in Los Angeles years ago and now her father is shot by a sniper’s bullet.
    • Oh, and she gets kidnapped again later on.
  • The sniper Lee is after is his brother Kenji. It’s always personal for him isn’t it?
  • In Paris, Carter and Lee argue over Kenji, and how does the argument end?

    Carter: He ain’t your brother.
    Lee: And you are not my brother.
    • Carter chooses to risk his neck for Lee, and he says that. Ouch.
