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Tear Jerker / Persona 5 Adult Confidant AU

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Despite its lighthearted tone compared to its original counterpart, there are still some emotional moments as well. Here's all the tearjerkers so far.

  • When Sadayo confronts Sojiro on why he refuses to take Futaba's heart, he snaps and reveals how much it hurts to watch her fall into depression after Wakaba's death, and how he once considered taking her heart to free her, only to learn from their previous fights against Palace holders that it could leave Futaba a broken husk. He only stops once he realizes he is scaring Sadayo with his reaction.
  • A two-panel starts with Ichiko with her arms around Lala and Kayo. The panel below takes place under a somber rain as a tearful Ichiko stands over Kayo's obscured body. Later works imply this to be result of their principal's assault of Kayo just like what Kamoshida did to Shiho in the original game.
  • The opening scene of the first chapter starts with police tape around a wrecked car and a broken body implied to Wakaba Isshiki, with a horrified Sojiro watching as Futaba cries out next to him.
  • The art collection of the ACAU Thieves meeting their equivalents in the canon P5 universe. While nearly all of them were lighthearted, only one was not: Canon Goro is busy taking his frustrations out on AU Shido while the latter mocks the former for even trying.
    AU!Shido: Bet you feel better whaling on me for things I've never done, huh?
    Canon!Akechi: SHUT UP!!
    AU!Shido: If you're anything like the Goro in my world... then you're every bit as pathetic as I expect.
    Canon!Akechi: (through tears) I SAID SHUT UP!!
