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Tear Jerker / Oxenfree

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Supernatural horror can still have its moments to really tug at the players' heartstrings.

  • The potential to be a complete jerk to everyone during the game based on player's choice.
    • Intentionally sabotaging Ren and Nona getting together as a couple, ranging from calling Ren out during the game Truth Or Slap, to telling Nona to not consider dating Ren or anyone, and to ensure that the two of them aren't alone at Harden Tower for long.
    • Mocking Jonas whenever he opens up to Alex about his past, his insecurities, and even about his relationship with his deceased mom.
    • Antagonizing Clarissa, who herself is mostly acting like a jerk because it's how she deals with her grief over losing Michael.
    • When interacting with Michael in the past-like time loops, choosing to tell him to break up with Clarissa or even saying things that will cause events to play as they did, with him leaving for college and going on the trip with Alex that leads to his death.
    • Choosing to sacrifice Clarissa to the ghosts, just so that Alex and the rest can go free.
  • Alex and Clarissa dealing with the death of a loved one, a brother and boyfriend, respectively. Alex has an extra shade of Survivor's Guilt to it because she was there when they went swimming at the lake and he drowned. And Clarissa is trying to deal with her grief by putting all the blame on Alex.
  • The scene where a possessed Clarissa throws herself out of the window at Fort Milner. Alex can mention in complete shock that she's wondering how to tell the news to Clarissa's mom, and even stuttering about how she 'was there' when it happened, clearly harking back to how she was there when Michael died and was not able to do anything.
  • Jonas opening up to Alex, especially after the second trip to Harden Tower. He admits his insecurity about not being a very book-smart kind of guy and even opens up about how he was sent to juvie previously.
  • Ren telling Alex in front of the bomb shelter that he can't explain what has caused it, but that something between him and Alex's friendship 'broke'.
  • Anytime Alex ends up transported back into a time when Michael was still alive. The music really sells it, being a very peaceful but also melancholic track. And the dialogue options allow the player to have Alex admit just how much she's missed her brother.
  • Maggie Adler losing her best friend Anna because they tried to contact the ghosts and 'bring them back' through the dimensional pocket they were stuck in, leading to Anna being sucked into the dimension herself. And Maggie herself admitting that she 'ran away from her in terror'.
