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Tear Jerker / Mockingjay

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  • Katniss finding her prep team, who've clearly been tortured, in an underground cell.
    Venia: Katniss is not going to hurt us. Katniss did not even know we were here. Things will be better now.
  • SING?
  • Finnick's confession. He's been used as a sex slave for ten years because the Capitol will kill his friends and family if he doesn't go along with it. Katniss' reaction just adds to it.
    I want to interrupt the taping and beg Finnick’s forgiveness for every false thought I’ve ever had about him.
  • Finnick and Annie reuniting in District 13, particularly if you reread the book. You know that they're so happy, but Finnick's going to die later — the thought is just too sad.
  • How Johanna was tortured in the Capitol. Basically, the Peacekeepers drowned her in water and then electrocuted her.
    • Made far worse when you realize that the chosen method was almost certainly not coincidental. In the moments leading up to her capture, she says to Katniss something to the effect of "Death by electrocution is not how I want to go".
  • Katniss giving Johanna the pine needles. "Smells like home."
  • Katniss and Peeta's conversation about colors. Oh God.
  • The very brutal death of Darius was a massive Tearjerker, even though he was mentioned in passing by Peeta. At least Lavinia passed relatively easy, as the Peacekeepers made the mistake of applying too much shock on her heart. On the other hand, Darius died when they cut off his body parts one by one. The whole time, the Peacekeepers kept demanding information, but since he was an Avox, he obviously couldn't say anything. He was just being tortured to death so Peeta could be traumatized.
  • The Dwindling Party that is the Star Squad. The last one hits like a ton of bricks (see immediately below), but the others are not better. We barely know them, but we can pick up from the dialogues that they have as many loved ones as Katniss does who no doubt will be upset upon learning of their deaths. Other than Leeg 2, Boggs, and Mitchell, every single one of them technically dies because of Katniss. And she knows this.
    • After Leeg 2 dies, Leeg 1 dreads how her father will react upon knowing that one of his daughters is dead. By the end of the rebellion, he has lost his remaining daughter as well.
    • Pollux sobbing over Castor's death after the group reaches Tigris' house.
    • Cressida manages to pull herself together, but Katniss can't help but notice that she looks very pale, no doubt in shock over Messalla's death. We don't know how long they have been together, but judging by how well they coordinated to film the propos, it's probably far too long for Katniss' comfort. This is more pronounced in the movie, where Cressida momentarily stands still upon watching Messalla turn to cinders, too shocked to say anything, until Katniss has to physically yank her away before the floor transforms into death traps.
  • Finnick's death. It's just so sudden and shocking, and then you learn that Annie is pregnant.
  • Katniss killing the unarmed Capitol woman after leaving the Underground. She did it to prevent her from trying to alert the Peacekeepers, but it dawns on her later that the woman probably overreacted. Then she examines her house and finds men's clothes, leaving her to wonder if, somewhere out there, the woman had a husband who is waiting to meet her.
  • The bit during the battle in front of the Presidential Palace where Katniss witnesses a woman being shot by the rebels, leaving her toddler daughter to mourn over her. Before she gets shot as well.
  • Prim's death. A few sentences, and the entire series suddenly feels pointless.
  • Katniss descending into insanity after Prim's death. For the first several days after the incident, she never talks, never answering anyone's questions. Her doctor brands her as basically an Avox, if the cause of the predicament is not physical, but mental. And after she murders Coin, she is left alone in the Tribute Center for weeks, never contacting anyone, not even Peeta, as she tries to think the best way to kill herself. She eventually manages to rebound, but not after years of therapy and being able to live peacefully with the love of her life — Peeta — and even more than fifteen years later, Katniss notes that there is nothing on Earth that can heal her completely. She is too broken.
  • Katniss and Gale's falling out as friends. The last time they speak in-story Katniss is struggling to see the boy she grew up with, hunted alongside and essentially considered family since his bomb idea potentially killed her sister and rendered her going into the Hunger Games for Prim's protection, and getting involved in this hellish war, meaningless. She can't trust his word that he didn't do it, and Gale himself is torn that he couldn't protect her family like he promised, let alone knowing she will probably never reciprocate his feelings. After that Gale moves on to a job in District 2 and Katniss to 12, and the epilogue never elaborates on their friendship. It's a stark contrast between their relationship in the beginning, to say the least.
  • During the climax, Coin rallies the remaining Victors she could get a hold of and asks them to vote on something: a Hunger Games with Capitol children as the Tributes. Reading that sentence alone might make you cringe, but she actually preceded it with her saying that many of the rebels want all Capitol civilians to be offed, which would prove detrimental to humanity's population, and that this was the alternative. Even though Katniss is beginning to think that Coin set up Prim's death, she can't help but wonder if this was the exact situation the Capitol was in when they first began the Hunger Games. It kind of gives the Capitol a lighter shade of black, since it was their best alternative over genocide.
  • The Victor's Purge where the non-rebel victors were tortured and murdered by the Capitol.
  • Katniss attempting to eat the nightlock pill right after killing Coin. Thank the heavens, Peeta stops her before she is able to.
    Good night.
  • Katniss and Buttercup both breaking down and crying together after Prim's death.
    • That damn cat made it all the way home from District 13, but it doesn't matter. Prim is dead.
      • For the record, Katniss and Buttercup mutually hated each other up to this point. But they cling to each other because they're the closest thing they have to Prim at the moment.
  • After the war, Katniss wanders around in front of town center of District 12 and finally learns the fate of the person who gave her the pin of the bird whom she came to symbolize: no, Madge Undersee did not make it, and neither did her parents.
  • The book that Katniss and Peeta make at the end to honor the fallen. While it won't be bringing anyone back from the dead, it will keep them living on, forever. And that's more than Katniss and Peeta, and Haymitch and everyone else can hope for those who're already gone.
  • The ending. It is truly a Bittersweet Ending taken up to eleven.
