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Tear Jerker / Looney Tunes: Back in Action

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  • To many Daffy Duck fans, Daffy being fired from his job is genuinely sad. Sure, he was rather egotistical, but being fired just for asking for more time in the spotlight is rather extreme.
    • Later, after the water tower incident, Daffy is looking forward to taking up multiple offers from every other studio in Hollywood, until he see the cover of a magazine which headlines "DUCK PLUCKED! Idiot Duck destroys studio".
    Daffy: Who am I kidding? My career is over!
  • DJ losing his job at the Warner Bros. Studios.
  • Kate is guilt ridden for firing DJ after finding out Damien Drake, one of the studio's greatest actors, was his father, and laments the awful day she's had. This does quickly transition to funny though when Kate realizes Bugs is watching her, she then milks her performance to garner his sympathy and even gets him to cry.
  • "What am I talking to you for? All you have to do is munch on a carrot and people love you." The way Daffy sounds so bitter is actually heartbreaking, like he feels that nobody loves him. Especially considering Daffy was introduced first.note  Even more Harsher in Hindsight considering in 1943's Porky Pig's Feat, Daffy once considered Bugs his hero.
    • Adding to this is Bugs' reaction to Daffy's comment, staying silent and looking at Daffy with sincere concern.
