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Tear Jerker / Lies of P

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  • A woman P can speak to through a window is quarantined due to the Petrification Disease, and claims her family took her baby away from her and over to city hall. Going to city hall reveals that everyone there is dead, but P can find a doll of a baby in the remains. Giving the woman the doll and she is convinced that the baby is her own, even if P decides to tell her the truth, she is so deep in denial that she'll refuse to believe him.
  • A child is quarantined in his house and dying from the Petrification Disease. The boy laments that he no longer has any friends to play with, and longs to play with the Watchman puppet who was a Friend to All Children. P can find the Watchman's whistle and blow it outside the window. The boy thinks that the Watchman has come to see him one last time, and he dies shortly after.
  • True, the Black Rabbit Brotherhood were a bunch of crazy Stalkers that terrorized parts of Krat, but they were also a family (most likely found family similar to the Fox and Cat) and they loved each other dearly. It's very easy to build up a head of red mist walking into the boss fight with the Eldest when they've been siccing giant mutated Carcasses on you all through the Malum District, and it's just as easy for it all to dissipate when you cut down the man the others seemed to genuinely think of as their big brother and see them weeping over his lifeless body and furiously swearing revenge upon you.
    • To really put the stake through your heart if you weren't already feeling a bit guilty about what you just did, immediately after the fight there's a prominently placed collectible called the Black Rabbit Brotherhood Ledger. It reveals two things. First, the Eldest was scrabbling and scraping for absolutely pitiful amounts of Ergo, single digit quantities when you regularly spend thousands to level up, so that he could move his younger siblings out of Krat. Second, each page has marginal scribblings from the younger ones and replies from the Eldest that demonstrate the kind of affectionate bickering anyone who actually has siblings is very familiar with.
    • On top of that, while the surviving member always expresses relief and elation when The Eldest returns for the second fight, there is also a clear discomfort with the Alchemists having unnaturally resurrected him.
  • In general, the Stalker fights. In most cases, killing them can feel hollow, as no matter how they may act in battle, their dying words will remind you that in the ravaged streets of Krat, these people are fighting out of desperation and/or insanity caused by cruel circumstances.
    Survivor: "I'm sorry, Leo... I was afraid to die..."
    The White Lady: "Same red attire as yours, sister... As promised, we always match."
    Robber Weasel: "I don't wanna die... I just wanted a full belly... that's not so wrong...
  • The end of Polendina's sidequest. Antonia passes away and he becomes overcome with grief, so he decides to "erase his heart" and return to being a normal puppet, because he can't deal with the pain.
  • Translating the lines of the Scrapped Watchman reveals it's deeply, deeply in mourning for its friends, the children of the city.
    "Children... frozen... Abandoned by you! I... avenge... my friends..."
    "I miss... the whistle... I don't hear it anymore..."
    "Freezing... cold... like my friends..."
