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Tear Jerker / Kingdom of Heaven

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  • Before the events of the film take place, Balian's wife kills herself after her child is stillborn. When we first see Balian, he is seen in a depressed mood and imprisoned for suspected blasphemy.
  • The scene in the Director's Cut in which Sibylla poisons her own son to death after discovering that he, like his uncle King Baldwin IV, has leprosy.
  • Baldwin's death.
  • The scene that cuts off before Reynauld rapes and murders Saladin's sister. She clearly knows she's going to be killed, but is calm in the face of death, knowing her brother will avenge her.
  • Closeup of the Knight Hospitaller's decapitated head after the Battle of Hattin.
  • Saladin himself will pass away from illness shortly after the end of the 3rd Crusade, leaving future generations to wonder what Islam-Christian relations might’ve become if he’d lived longer.
