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Tear Jerker / Harry Potter and the Mother Who Lived

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  • Lily gets to see The Mirror of Erised and much like Harry of canon, her deepest desire is that she'd have both the family lost and the family she would've wanted. Her parents, James, and 2 daughters she would've wanted had they managed to live through the war.
  • In this telling of events, Ginny tearfully confesses to her parents, her crush, and her teachers about how Voldemort manipulated her using the diary. It's a sad reminder that despite what she might grow into, right now she's an 11 year old who just went through a miserable 1st year of boarding school.
  • Because there was no pressing need to help anyone escape, Buckbeak is actually executed in this timeline.
  • Hagrid's distraught denial of even burying Buckbeak after the execution, trying so hard to not have it sink in, and then just collapsing in tears.
  • Buckbeak's funeral. A symbol of injustice and tragedy as Hagrid, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Parvati pay tribute to the loss of a noble beast.
    • Parvati then comes up with the idea to give him a gravestone, so he'll never be forgotten: Here Lies Buckbeak, King of the Hippogriffs.
  • Thanks to a change in circumstances, instead of a bloodless though terrifying affair at the Quidditch World Cup, there are 2 casualties. One's a wizard just off the grounds. The other: Winky the House Elf.
    • Dobby also has a VERY strong reaction to hearing of her death, since the Malfoys and Crouches sometimes got together, and Winky was a good friend whenever they met.
  • Even if it's played for laughs mostly, Parvati's constant predictions of painful death from Sybil are making her jumpy, especially after seeing the unforgivable curses.
  • Even after 13 years, Lily still will wake up from nightmares of James dying.
  • Getting inside Ron's head about the Goblet of Fire is a sobering experience. Especially telling is that he feels like his achievements and ideas aren't appreciated enough, especially since he had to do a lot of the work trying to save Buckbeak. An effort that was for naught.
  • Even if she was trying to grow up, Ginny almost emotionally shuts down after overhearing that Harry was officially dating Susan Bones. She already took a blow when Harry didn't ask her out earlier to the ball, but confirming Susan forced her to put on a brave face and try to move forward.
  • Susan IV checks in with everyone after the pickup Quidditch match, and things haven't exactly gone great. Ron and Hannah ended up breaking up due to annoying each other. And due to it being a bad breakup, now Hannah is snippy with her old friend still dating "Ron's best friend".
  • Cedric's 7th POV sadly ends not with luck and destiny tweaked, but with him getting killed by Barty Crouch Jr. Ending the good life of a good man.
    • As we look inside his perspective, we can also see that he's carrying guilt for "beating" Harry even though he won on accident. That he feels like he needs to make it up to him over and over these last 2 years.
  • As Lily has a moment talking with Cho outside the hedge, Cho brings up how with all the unease about the 3rd task, Cedric actually didn't have that much time to be with her before the end of the year, meaning he died right before being able to give her the time he felt she deserved.
  • For a career oriented man like Barty Crouch, being sacked for standing up for the truth and safety of the wizarding world is a little sad. Despite his more unsavory actions, he would've been a great internal ally in the conflict with Fudge while getting the ministry ready for war with Voldemort.
  • Hannah XI features Hufflepuff trying to make sense of Cedric's death. It's rough all around. Wayne is throwing accusations at Harry. Hannah sees the whole school with PTSD the morning after. And Susan is struck with fear and despair at Voldemort's return.
  • Even if it was done in order to protect the family, Petunia has a somber moment leaving #4 Privet Drive wondering if they'll ever have a chance to return.
  • Ron XVIII features the incident where Percy Weasley disowns his family. While it's wrong for him to get so defensive over his family's skepticism of this being a genuine promotion, there's a lot of resentment present in his words that shows that part of this was just years of frustration being released after getting what he always wanted. That he felt his family was hurting his reputation and wasn't doing him any favors for advancement.
    • Despite the anger around them, Molly is heartbroken to see her 3rd oldest apparate away from their lives.
  • Susan finally properly processing what the dementors did to her. She heard her grandparents' last words to her mother when she was the Sole Survivor of the Bones Massacre. Something Rosa realizes that if Dementors leave behind only your bad memories means that it's possible Susan was traumatized IN THE WOMB!
