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Tear Jerker / Dropkick on My Devil

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  • Pekola's life is one disappointment after another. Having lost her halo and stranded on Earth, Pekola is no more strong than the average human. Constantly hungry, Pekola now resides in a cardboard box.
    • After working hard in a part time job, Pekola returns home only to find it destroyed by a drunken Jashin-chan 's carelessness. With nothing left to lose, Pekola weakly laughs at her misfortune.
      • Even her part time job is a tear jerker itself. She has to do backbreaking labor bringing boxes of cargo up a set of stairs, only to take an elevator down to do it all over again. Pekola reveals that her job pays much less than the legal minimum wage, but this is the only job that would hire her without a background check. When she gets into the elevator it's revealed that most, if not all, of her coworkers are mentally ill. One even believes Pelola is a praying mantis trying to eat him. The idea that there are employers that get around labor laws by exploiting the homeless, the mentally ill, and anyone else who cannot provide a background check is incredibly bleak.
    • Reuniting with her apprentice Poporon, what was once delight suddenly transforms into horror for Pekola when she realizes that Poporon searched her down to assassinate her so that she could permanently keep her position.
    • Episode 8 is an even more bleak emotional ride for Pekola. Her segment begins with her getting dropkicked by Jashin-chan who then steals her bread crusts (even though Jashin-chan is already well-fed). When Poporon appears, she still acts like her high and mighty self, apparently learning nothing from her last experience. She derides Pekola for "befriending" a demon, and flatly rejects Pekola's offer of working together to survive in the city. Despite all this, Pekola puts her animosity aside and tries to save Poporon when she feared she was in over her head. Pekola's segment ends with her being given an ehomaki roll by Jashin-chan who also tells her that if she ate it in a certain way, good fortune would be bestowed to her. Pekola nearly chokes to death on the ehomaki roll, embittered that it seems like her suffering is far from over.
    • Episode 10: After slaving all day, Pekola accidentally loses her money which goes into a donation box. While initially pleased that the money would at least be given to needy children, Pekola realizes that it was actually a scam.
    • Pekola gets a job as a bodyguard for Poporon and naturally gets injured trying to protect Poporon from a mad man. However, this also leads to a genuinely touching moment of Poporon opting to pay for her medical bill.
  • Some aspects of Jashin-chan 's relationship with Medusa falls under this. From the outside, the relationship seems one-sided with Medusa being the one trying to make the relationship work by providing Jashin-chan with money despite disapproving of Jashin-chan 's attempts at ending Yurine. While there are moments where Jashin-chan shows that she truly does care for her, the moments where she is inconsiderate or emotionally abusive towards Medusa are more pronoun. Examples include:
    • In episode 3, Jashin-chan gets mad at Medusa for siding with Yurine when she was only concerned for her well-being. Jashin-chan accuses her of being a "goody two-shoes" causing Medusa to run away crying.
    • In episode 4, Medusa discovers (what she believed to be) Jashin-chan 's dead body. The fact that it was a crude prank on Jashin-chan 's part makes it all the more disgusting.
    • Episode 7: After learning that Medusa had a "new friend," Jashin-chan becomes envious, angrily calling Medusa over to the house. Once she's there, she calls Medusa a series of horrible names, making the poor girl cry heavily as she explained that her "friend" was actually Jashin-chan , because she had secretly been working more jobs in order to provide Jashin-chan money. Even Yurine tells Jashin that that was low, even for her.
  • Episode 10:
    • Koji reacting in anger when Jashin-chan claimed that Yurine died. When she tried to avenge Yurine, Jashin-chan swats her away with her tail before rapidly smacking her with it for good measure.
  • Episode 11:
    • Pekola suggests that Poporon hadn't always been bitter, implying that something happened to make Poporon the way she was now.
