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Tear Jerker / Dirge of Cerberus

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  • It's revealed that Lucrecia willingly injected her own son, Sephiroth, with Jenova cells while she was pregnant with him.
    • It's even more heartbreaking as shown later on when she feels that both her "experiment" with her own son and Vincent earlier was All for Nothing as she desperately asks Hojo where her son is...
      Lucrecia: (sorrowfully-desperate) Give him back! Give my son back!
      Hojo: (smugly) And how did your experiment proceed?
      Lucrecia: I don't know...! I DON'T KNOW AND I DON'T CARE!
      Lucrecia: (sorrow-filled moan) Let me see him! Just once!
  • Lucrecia willingly encased herself in crystal and remains in that cavern, because the Jenova Cells in her body won't let her die.
    • The fact that both Vincent and Lucrecia felt so guilty about the suffering that befell the other that they locked themselves away from the whole world for years, both unable to die. Word of God suggests Lucrecia could leave the crystal if she wanted, but she is too absorbed by guilt to rejoin the world or be with Vincent again, who likely would (and already has) forgiven her for everything that happened to him.
  • The scene in Shinra Manor when Vincent sees a projection of Lucrecia and the first thing he does is try to hug her. Then she walks straight through him.
  • Shelke describing her hellish ordeal in Deepground to Shalua into detailed emotionless turmoil, showcasing how utterly broken in mind and body she's become during a decade of torture.
    Shelke: "The day they came to take me away, I was told I had potential. But those words were nothing but a precursor to a decade of suffering. They manipulated my mind until I was a shadow of my original self. The pain. The fear. For ten years I lived in a hell far deeper than any you could imagine. But look at me. I should be 19 this year. If I don't receive my daily dose of mako, this body wouldn't last a day. However, I don't consider myself the least bit unfortunate. Except for that so long I held on to a foolish thread of hope that someday, someone would come to save me."
  • Shalua's sacrifice.
    Shalua: "And remember... I'll always... Love you."
  • As evil as they are, Tsviets' backstories are depressing. Especially Shelke, Rosso, Nero and Weiss's.
  • The death of some Tsviets can be viewed as this:
    • Rosso's death is Harsher in Hindsight if you've watched the online scenes in the Japanese version of the game. She was a bloodthirsty person but in the end, being born in Deepground, slaughter and torture is all she'd ever known during her life. In one way, her death is pitiful.
    • Nero's death. He gets better but still. Sure, he was a mass-murdering monster who was as guilty as the others, but his villainy was mostly driven due to a desire to revive his brother. It is not difficult to interpret that Nero couldn't just live without his brother while getting revenge on humans for their mistreatments. When he is finally reunited with his brother, he is just stabbed by the same brother whom he dedicated his life for, even if the latter was controlled by Hojo. Camera focuses on Vincent watching Nero's corpse and you can see he isn't happy from it.
    • Weiss was controlled by Hojo during the entire time. Just imagine if Weiss was conscious the entire time, how did he react about killing his brother?
  • Nero and Weiss becoming one at the end of the game.
    Nero: "Let us become one. Let us come together, so that no one may ever tear us apart."
  • Shelke's flashback to herself and Shalua at their mother's grave, after which Shalua appears to Shelke asking if it's alright for her to return to the planet and Shelke says no. Then Shelke is surprised by the tears that fall from her eye since she believed she didn't have any left.
  • Vincent's last visit to Lucrecia, where he tells her Omega and Chaos have returned to the planet, and that she is the reason why he survived. Then when he turns around and walks out of the cave, a tear is seen rolling down Lucrecia's face.
  • Rosso telling Vincent she had left her humanity behind a long time ago is quite sad in one way, especially when you see more of her backstory in the Online mode.
  • Shelke's reaction when she learns that Weiss had ordered her execution. Even if it is Deepground we are talking about, she clearly hadn't expected such a betrayal to happen. Azul's taunting about his Hidden Disdain Reveal toward her and telling her she had never deserved to be a Tsviet anyway does not help either.
  • Shelke confronting Nero on the Shera and telling him she does not want to let anyone who counts on her. It is also heartwarming but quite sad to think that no one ever told her that they were counting on her. The fact that it happens after Shalua's death and that her older sister is not there to see Shelke's Character Development is also heartbreaking.
    • At this same moment, after these same words, Nero pauses and looks away before telling Shelke it is pure nonsense. It sounds like a Lack of Empathy moment at first but his body language might suggest otherwise, especially when his motives are revealed later.
  • Nero telling Vincent that Weiss is the only one who ever loved him and the only one he would ever love. After this, there is a slight moment where Nero's voice is shaking and he looks down. It sounds like he is on the verge of crying and he is clearly not able to finish his sentence.
    • This part is Harsher in Hindsight when it is revealed Weiss is dead long before the story events. Nero clearly didn't take his death well.

Alternative Title(s): Dirge Of Cerberus Final Fantasy VII
