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Tear Jerker / Atomic Heart

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Beyond the horrors we see in the laboratories of the Facility 3826, we see all the damage, loss and sorrow that the USSR has brought upon the world.

  • Sergey may be a rude Jerkass who has little to no sympathy to everyone and treats everyone like shit. Despite this, his backstory is incredibly tragic, he used to be a completely normal soldier with a loving wife, Katya Nechayev and they both were special agents at command of Sechenov and they were both happy with their life. That was until they were both sent to Bulgaria during World War II and they were both caught in a fire accident that killed Katya but gravely injured Sergey. Sergey was later saved by Sechenov in the operating table but the brilliant professor couldn’t save Katya, so he used both of her brain hemispheres to make his bodyguard robots, The Twins, to preserve Katya’s dancing and fighting skills. Sergey, not being able to handle the fact that he lost his wife, developed a PTSD that made him go on rampage everytime someone mentioned his lost wife, because of this, Sechenov erased his memories and replaced a part of his brain with the Voshkod Module with the intention of controlling his favorite soldier in case he lost control. To say that Sergey had a rough life is an understatement, having lost so many things in his life, his wife, his memories, even his previous life.
    • When Sergey discovers the truth of his existence, we can clearly see him going through a mental breakdown and in heavy denial, not wanting to accept that the man that he trusted with his life, the man who saved him and looked up to him as a father, was a manipulator who made him do horrible things. As Sergey puts it in his own words when Filatova shows him the truth:
    P-3: “Why should I believe any of this?!”
  • All the life Petrov has killed, from a normal civilian, to a high officer, it was all in a needless bloodshed that was brought up by a man who only cared about being remembered in history, no matter the cost.
    • Larisa breaking up with Petrov, she is clearly distressed that Petrov lied to her when he told her that he only activated the robots into hostile mode in Soviet territory, when in reality, he activated the robots into hostile mode all around the world, causing countless human casualties around the globe on top of saying that he had nothing to do with the robots going in rampage and that he only activated in accident. Larisa, who was very much against killing and only agreed with him in order to stop Sechenov from launching Kollectiv 2.0, she is clearly horrified and heartbroken that the man she once loved not only he turned out to be a mass murderer, but also a liar.
    • Even if he is an Asshole Victim that deserved to die, the Sanity Slippage of Petrov is kinda sad to see.
  • The dead bodies we can talk to, some of them think they will be saved later on, not realizing they are dead and that nobody will help them out.
  • While Sechenov was planning to turn Humanity into a hive mind and crush free will, he clearly loved Sergey as the son he never had and is heartbroken that the closest person he had in his life turned against him.
  • In Annihilation Instinct DLC, it is confirmed that free will has been destroyed by Kollectiv 2.0, with a small group of rebels struggling to preserve theirs. Even if Sechenov developed Kollectiv 2.0 in order to help humanity by him becoming the new leader of the world and lead us all into a new era of scientific Renaissance, the idea of what made everyone an individual, simply gone is already a despairing thought of itself.
  • In the end of Trapped in Limbo DLC, when Sergey returns to the real world, he encounters the inert body of Right, he looks at her body melancholily and promises her that he will return her back to normal.
