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Tear Jerker / A Song Of Ice Fire And Hearts

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  • In spite of Ven's heroism in fighting the Unversed and battling Vanitas, almost nobody remembers his name — the Stark children never heard of him before, when their father was one of Ven's companions, and Luwin bitterly acknowledges the Keybearer has been reduced to a mere footnote in Robert's Rebellion.
  • Roxas' attitude regarding his "father" from the Westerosi viewpoint. He's the living proof of Ventus' existence, someone to hold dear in the wake of the Hero of Harrenhal's disappearance, yet he's obviously annoyed and uninterested in learning more about the man who supposedly sired him.
  • After rescuing Elia Martell and her daughter Rhaenys from the Unversed at Harrenhal, Ventus grew to greatly care for her, going as far as winning the tourney and crowning her Queen of Love and Beauty. But when she and her children desperately needed his help at King's Landing, he wasn't there to save their lives.
    • The Keybearer was forced to look at their butchered corpses and hear Robert Baratheon — who openly loved him as a brother — laugh and claim they deserved it for being Targaryens. Ventus was so upset and disgusted by Robert he punched the Baratheon lord before storming out of the Red Keep and King's Landing — out of Westeros entirely. Two decades after it happened, Robert still cannot forgive himself for driving Ventus away.
  • After her not fully consensual wedding night, Daenerys cannot bring herself to explain what really happened to Xion, partly out of trauma, partly because she doesn't want to shatter her friend's innocence with the reveal that men hurt women like that.
  • You would think marrying a Princess would be a happy occasion, right? Not for Roxas who immediately calls Robert out for not even asking the Nobody if he actually wants to find a bride and decide to blow steam off by leaving the royal procession. Ned had to reassure the King that no, he didn't make the same mistake twice, and Roxas unlike Ventus would be back.
    • Robert confesses he wants to make Roxas a Prince because he misses Ventus and thinks the only way he will get to make amends is to provide for the Keybearer's "son".
    • Sansa's reaction to the betrothal, as she's falling in love with Roxas. And she cannot even hate Myrcella because the Princess is a very sweet, kind girl who obviously deserves someone gentle and strong as a husband, but it doesn't mean the older Stark girl wants to see her with Roxas, both of them happy together while she's stuck with a Prince who couldn't care less if she dropped dead in front of him.
    • Since she was very young, Myrcella knew she would have to marry for the Seven Kingdoms' sake, not for her own happiness. Then her parents find her a wonderful bridegroom, as kind as he's handsome and brave, but he doesn't want to marry at all. Even if Myrcella faces the situation with wonderful grace and poise, she's obviously saddened and upset by the facts.
  • Oberyn telling Ned that he stopped hating the Starks after realizing the new Warden of the North also had lost a beloved sister to the Rebellion, leading both men to somberly reflect on the war and everyone it took from them.
    Oberyn: Do you remember them still?
    Ned: Every day.
  • Oberyn asking Catelyn if she thinks Roxas is a bastard, when thinking about his reasoning — since Roxas didn't even know his assumed father's name, it strongly hints at Ventus not being there to raise his own child, so either he's dead or it was a One-Night-Stand Pregnancy.
  • Roxas breaking down in front of Myrcella as he admits how much he wants to see Xion and Axel again, but their deaths will never allow it. It's made worse by Xion being actually alive and active in Essos, not so far from Roxas, but he doesn't know that.
  • Daenerys being almost reduced to tears when Xion explains her being a entity created of memories means she won't be remembered if she ever dies, not even by the Targaryen princess for whom Xion is the most close friend she ever had, the Only Friend she ever had.
  • How Lysa Arryn being exposed as her husband's murderer and a cheater who attempted to pass her bastard as the Vale's heir impacts her family: Edmure is obviously downcast in spite of his best efforts, while his father Hoster felt so ashamed (partially because it was his fault, since he forced an abortion upon his younger daughter before making her marry Jon Arryn) that his already uneasy health took a turn for the worse and led to his demise.
  • Tywin and Jon Arryn actually considered granting Cersei's hand to Ventus as a reward for his gallantry and bravery, and she was overjoyed by the prospect, because he was so sweet that she grew a crush on him. Then King's Landing happened, Ventus completely vanished from Westeros and Cersei was forced to marry Robert instead — when the Baratheon lord just had learned of Lyanna's demise, sowing the seeds for their Awful Wedded Life as both of them couldn't move on.
    • It throws her being a Shipper on Deck for Myrcella and Roxas in a rather bittersweet light, since the Princess basically is a younger Cersei while Roxas is Ven's carbon copy — watching her daughter marrying her lost love's "son" is the closest Cersei will ever get from fulfilling her dream of having Ventus as her husband.
  • On his deathbed, Robert is visited by Vanitas who bluntly and cruelly reveals him the truth about Lyanna's so-called abduction: the she-wolf actually eloped with Rhaegar because she loathed Robert's whoring and taste for wine, and couldn't see him changing for her so she decided to ruin herself as a romantic prospect for him. As pointed by the Dark sorcerer, Robert lost his chance at true love because of his own flaws and he wasted two decades believing the contrary. Learning the truth utterly breaks the King, and that's when Vanitas murders him.
