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Series / Pig Sty

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An American Sitcom that has five male roommates (Brian McNamara, Matthew Borlenghi, Timothy Fall, David Arnott, and Sean O'Bryan) living in an apartment while dealing with their Super (Liz Vassey) and not being able to keep house.

It aired on UPN in in 1995.

Tropes for the series:

  • Big Applesauce: Takes place in New York city.
  • Closet Sublet: Due to events leading to too many people living in the apartment, Cal is forced to sleep in the living room closet.
  • Guys are Slobs: The show is about five male bachelors living in one apartment. The name of the show tells the viewer all they need to know.
  • Mate or Die: A same-sex version is used, where one of the five guys sharing an apartment got frozen while he was barbecuing for a party being held in the middle of winter. The resident physician who examined the frozen guy said that someone has to sleep naked with him in order to restore his temperature. The other men in the apartment didn't seem so willing.
