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Series / Make Me Prime Minister

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Make Me Prime Minister is a British reality competition show that’s essentially The Apprentice within the world of politics, where contestants compete in challenges related to the world of frontline politics, each aiming to become Channel 4's "Alternative Prime Minister", and win a £25,000 prize.

Launched in 2022, each episode features the contestants split into teams (functioning as akin to separate political parties) to compete in challenges related to a specific skill necessary for a national politician, or a major political issue that a frontline politician would need to tackle. The challenges are judged by two prominent figures in British politics: Alastair Campbell, Tony Blair's former communications director; and Sayeeda Warsi, the former chair of the Conservative Party and a government minister under David Cameron.

Includes the following tropes:

  • Autism: Kelly, the eventual runner-up, is autistic and frequently discusses how her autism has impacted her politics.
  • The Cameo: The final features the contestants getting good luck messages from former Prime Ministers Tony Blair and David Cameron.
  • Friendly Rivalry: While the contestants can get into quite heated arguments at times, in general most of the contestants get on with each other very well, even though they’re in competition with each other.
  • Non-Gameplay Elimination: Alice, the show's youngest contestant, quit in the second episode owing to her exams at Oxford University.
  • Special Guest: Several of the episodes feature special guest judges or assistant judges from the worlds of British politics and journalism.
