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Series / Chloe (2022)

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Chloe is a British Mini Series from BBC produced in collaboration with Amazon Prime and premiered in February 2022.

It centers on Becky Green, who has an obsession with her estranged friend, Chloe and tries to lead a double life.

Tropes present in Chloe:

  • Ambiguous Situation: What the exact nature of Becky and Chloe's relationship is being explored over the series.
  • Anti-Villain: Becky leads a somewhat monotonous life in a workplace where promotion is slow going for many people and she has to care for a parent who has dementia, and using these alter-egos is a way out, but she's still in the wrong.
  • Audience Surrogate: Despite being a Villain Protagonist, Becky is one to the audience, she is someone who the audience is supposed to actively see themselves as, insofar as being envious of social media, not the sociopathic aspects.
  • Clueless Aesop: The series tries to present an Internet Safety Aesop, but due to being a Psychological Thriller, it's a topic it just can't deal with properly, and the target audience wouldn't be expected to learn about this.
  • Crapsaccharine World: It looks pleasant and pure, with sunny coastal lands, Victorian town houses, but has a seedy underbelly.
  • Driving Question: Why did Chloe die, and how far did Becky get involved with her death? is the biggest question.
  • G-Rated Mental Illness: Whatever disorder Becky has, it's toned done enough for the show's 9pm timeslot but it's not that kid-friendly.
  • Lead You Can Relate To: In general terms, the audience can relate to Becky's dissatisfaction with her job and envy of social media, although she's different from the target audience in some ways.
  • Lifetime Movie of the Week: A miniseries version, which has some, but not all of the tropes, and with a Big Budget Beef-Up as well.
  • Loser Protagonist: Becky is one in a few ways:
    • She lives with her mom who has dementia, but not by choice.
    • She does not have a love interest.
    • She may come across as socially awkward.
    • She lacks fashion sense, as Becky, when not her alter-egos.
    • Becky is a nonconformist in a setting that values conformism.
    • She hasn't advanced in her career, but then again, it's not her fault, as her workplace is snobbish and horrific.
  • Pointy-Haired Boss: Implied, since he only appears now and then, and appears to be incompetent, but not The Fool.
  • Psychological Horror: The series examines the concept of social media, likes and then focuses on it for psychological horror purposes.
  • Schrödinger's Canon: How it ties into other BBC Mini Series canon-wise is not known; it's not been confirmed by the creators.
  • Silly Rabbit, Idealism Is for Kids!: The series' protagonist, Becky, is bitter and cynical, and sees things like Instagram feeds as overly idealistic.
  • Stalker without a Crush: What Becky's interest in Chloe is not known but it was certainly not romantic; it involves their friendship.
  • The Main Characters Do Everything: Zig-zagged. Justified, as the story is so small in scope the side characters don't get much, if anything to do; however, we do see wait staff and also personal assistants appearing.
  • This Loser Is You: Reconstructed. We get to see how horrible Becky can be, but the audience like to see that.
