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Debut: Rook City Renegades
"You call yourself a king. You will fall like so many tyrants before you: weak, alone, crying in the dark."

By day, Tabitha Taft is a brusque, brash, and tenacious reporter for the Rook City Record. By night, she's the Werewolf superhero Alpha. Ordinarily, she has an above average amount of control over her Werewolf instincts but sometimes that control slips.

Mechanically speaking, Alpha deals a lot of damage. Unfortunately, she can't always control where that damage goes and she can just as easily end up wiping out her fellow heroes as the villain she's fighting. An important part of her deck are her Aspect cards, which give various effects as long as they're in play but can be harmful as if there are three or more of them out they force Alpha to deal damage to the target with the lowest HP, no matter who that target is.

Alpha has three variants, First Appearance Alpha, representing her first ever appearance in Sentinel Comics as The Wolf-Woman, Reporter Alpha, representing her as the reporter Tabitha Taft, sniffing (pun intended) out scoops for the Rook City Record, and Alpha 2000, representing an unpopular time in comics where she got an edgy cyberpunk makeover and didn't struggle so much with the whole "killing innocents" thing.

  • '90s Anti-Hero: The Alpha 2000 era is a parody of this, with Alpha abandoning all qualms about killing and eating people and getting kitted out with edgy futuristic Wolf-Tek gadgets. Additionally, Alpha 2000 era Tabitha is deliberately drawn with an absurdly small waist.
  • Achilles' Heel: When up against a villain or environment with very few and/or beneficial targets, Alpha frequently becomes a liability as the player will have difficulty keeping her from taking out a helpful target or even her fellow heroes.
  • Absurdly Sharp Claws: Alpha's claws are capable of shredding human flesh rather easily and are her main source of damage alongside her teeth.
  • I Am a Humanitarian: While normally Alpha is super against killing people, with her struggle to keep her Werewolf killing instincts under control being a huge part of her deck mechanically, she was a lot more blasé about it during the Alpha 2000 era, as represented by the card Fatal Feast which shows her having outright eaten a guy.
    Alpha: A girl's gotta eat, and this girl is awfully hungry.
  • Intrepid Reporter: Her day job is as a reporter for the Rook City Record and she's noted to be particularly tenacious and as having a "nose for a scoop." Her as a reporter is even one of her variants.
  • Our Werewolves Are Different: Alpha lines up pretty well with a lot of usual werewolf tropes, having become a werewolf via being bitten and often struggling to keep her wolfish nature in check. The exception is during the Alpha 2000 era where she becomes a pseudo-cyborg who has no qualms with killing.
  • Thou Shalt Not Kill: Alpha is fairly against killing, with her First Appearance variant's incap even being her horrified at the possibility that she killed somebody while a Werewolf.
  • Wolves Always Howl at the Moon: The card "Bloodcurdling Howl" features Alpha howling at the moon in its art.
  • Wonderful Werewolf: For all her struggles with controlling her animal instincts Alpha is generally a nice and heroic person.

Art of Sothis from the Fire Emblem Cipher card game
Sothis is the little Chaos Gremlin that follows me around on a regular basis. She originates from the video game Fire Emblem: Three Houses and through a series of jokes has managed to become a staple of my posts on this site. You will know be able to recognize when she's speaking by her green text. We tend to argue a lot.

Tropes that apply to Sothis (or at least, this version of her)
some caption text
some caption text
