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Running Gag / The Fairly OddParents!

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  • Timmy's parents often ask him where he got a particular item that he has acquired by wish. Because he can't tell about his fairies, Timmy replies, "uuuhh...internet?".
    • Lampshaded in an episode where this exchange occurs, followed by Dad asking, "and where did you get the Internet?" to which Timmy couldn't respond anything in time, and made his Dad faint because he became suspicious that Timmy was involved in robbery.
    • When Timmy gets suddenly rich: "Internet... Inheritance... I, uh, inherited the internet!"
  • When someone brings up Super Toilet, followed by Cosmo freaking out and yelling "So. much. CLOGGING!!".
  • A character's parent knocking on their offspring's door, followed up by the parent saying that while they respect their offspring's privacy by knocking, they're asserting their authority as their mother/father by coming in anyway, and the parent smashing the door down with a pillar.
  • "FAIRY GODPARENTS!", complete with insanely hilarious spasms. Mr. Crocker is bound to have a fairy-related spasm sooner or later in any episode he appears in.
    • Although, in one episode where Timmy wishes himself out of existence, we get to see Crocker as he would have been if not driven fairy-mad. He is seen as a highly appreciated philosophy teacher, yet still spasms as he says "EXISTENTIALISM!"
    • Timmy spasming in Crocker's Day in the Limelight special when he finds out that Crocker had fairies as a kid, immediately followed by him asking his fairies to hit him if he ever did that again. He does, they do.
    • When Timmy wishes the present was the space-age future that people in the 60s-80s predicted it to become, Crocker becomes a muscular janitor convinced that robots will revolt against humanity and spasms "ROBOTS ARE EVIL!"
  • Every single episode in this show has its own running gags!
  • Several very common ones often appear:
    • "Dinkleberg!"
    • "Curse you X!"
    • "Yay X!"
  • Mr. Turner's obsession with eggnog.
  • "Pipe Down!" has a gag where people yell so loudly that their clothes burst right off of them. There's also one where someone gets surprised and do a Spit Take with coffee in someone's face.
  • "Certifiable Super Sitter" has a joke of Cosmo repeatedly greeting people he thinks are Poof with "Poof! You're home! And you [random attribute]!" There's also a kangaroo constantly showing up, saying "Shrimp on the barbie!", and punching someone.
