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Referenced By / H. G. Wells

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  • Doctor Moreau is a character in The Bloody Red Baron. With virtually unkillable vampire patients as test subjects, his work becomes even more abhorant.
  • In the Dr. Watson At War series by Robert Ryan, Winston Churchill sends Major Watson to find out what killed a crew during a Disastrous Demonstration of the first tanks. Because the tank is a Secret Weapon Churchill refuses to tell Watson any details until he gets there, but gives him The Land Ironclads to read as a clue. In a later novel, as most of London's populace are hiding in cellars and tube stations from German bombers and zeppelins, Watson muses that they're turning into Morlocks.

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  • Hark! A Vagrant: Verne and Wells have an argument, based on Verne's real life annoyance with Wells' not describing how things work in detail in his work, with air balloons. Verne's gets destroyed.
    Jules Verne: You can't just make things up!
    H. G. Wells: Why not? Mine works just as well as yours. And blueprints are boring.
    Verne: My dirigible!
    Wells: Oh no! I'm sorry. It was trying to make social metaphors.


  • An article in a British flying magazine about a proposed flying wing airliner was titled The Shape of Wings to Come.
