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Recap / Youre The Worst S 2 E 2 Crevasses

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The main four characters decide to go out to the mall, each with their own reasons. Jimmy wants to go out for literary inspiration, and also to encourage Gretchen to buy her own things. Lindsay, meanwhile, gets Edgar to wingman her for her at bars, as she has been taking advantage of his kindness and attraction towards her. Edgar talks to some men at the bar for Lindsay, but it turns out that they’re gay and they end up giving advice to him about how Lindsay is using him.

Gretchen is freaked out at the prospect of buying stuff for herself at the store. She gets to the cash register and almost buys the things that she needs for herself, but at the last minute runs away. Gretchen goes back to Jimmy and they discuss how she feels like she is being treated as a guest in her own house, and so Jimmy apologises by making her a nightstand. Lindsay invites Edgar over to her house that night, and just when he thinks that she is finally started to view him differently, Lindsay gets him to take suggestive photos for her to post online for others.


  • All Take and No Give: Lindsay and Edgar’s relationship in this episode.
  • Good-Times Montage: There is a montage of Gretchen and Jimmy having fun in the mall when they first arrive.
  • Motor Mouth: Gretchen does this when talking to the store clerk in the mall.
  • Serious Business: Jimmy and Gretchen treat Edgar’s job of making Bloody Mary’s for them on Sunday mornings very seriously.
