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Recap / Wakfu S2E11 "The Masked Gobbowler"

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Part two of the Brakmar Gobbowl arc

In order to save Kriss from the gallows, the newly-formed team Brak A.C. challenges the best team of Brakmar, the cruel, sadistic, savage Brak'n Black and their leader, the top Gobbowler of Brakmar, the legendary, the unique Masked Gobbowler, a true master able to move the Gobball like he wishes. Will the heroes be able to overcome this obstacle? And why the Masked Gobbowler seems to be so interested in Kriss? Who hides behind that demonic mask?


  • All for Nothing: Kriss scores the goal and seemingly defeats the Masked Gobbowler... but Eva and Amalia accidentally speaks out "Gobbowl", causing the potion's effect to end. The Brak A.C. are promptly disqualified and sent to the gallows.
  • Ax-Crazy: Leol'Brak, in the announcer's words, has a thing for "radical crusherism", as seen when he tackles Sadygrove with such strength they both end up unconscious.
  • Black Comedy: The credit sequence has the executioner signing (with his axe) a pillory for a young kid who's a big fan of his.
  • Call-Back: The maneuver Kriss uses to steal the Gobball from the Masked Gobbowler and score is the very same legwork used by Yugo against him in the previous season, using the ball like a soccerball.
  • Cliffhanger: Just as the entire team is about to be executed, the Masked Gobbowler reveals his true identity, shocking the entire stadium.
  • Dramatic Unmask: The Masked Gobbowler does this to the very end, revealing to the entire stadium her actual gender.
  • Duel Boss: By the end, Kriss ends up facing the Masked Gobbowler one-on-one in order to prove his skills.
  • Eviler than Thou: Compared to the Brakn'Black, the Lamechester were nothing: Brakmarian Gobbowler are infinitely more ferocious and bloodthirsty, attacking the other team before the game's declared open, with the legendary player "Drago" who caused the necessity for a rental coffin service before the matches.
  • Faint in Shock: Slo-Mo does this twice; first when he realizes that Eva and Amalia are actually girls, and later when the Masked Gobbowler reveals her true identity.
  • Healing Factor: Invoked by Kriss, who pretends to be unconscious after the Masked Gobbowler's onslaught to catch him by surprise, even mockingly reminding him that he's a Sacrier, and taking hits is his specialty.
  • Ignored Enemy: The Masked Gobbowler spends the first half of the match ignoring the rest of Brak A.C. not named Kriss, only to have his teammates leave the field for the second half so that he can compete alone against the other team.
  • Imagine Spot: When Evangelyon jokingly tells Dally that the potion's effect may last forever, the latter has an awkward imagine spot of Evangelyon wearing a cute dress and a purse, asking how "she" looks.
  • In the Hood: Rhaboss, the Feca defender of Brakn'Black, wears a full burlap hood over his head.
  • I Shall Taunt You: The announcers take the Masked Gobbowler behaviour towards Kriss as a way to taunt him about his helplessness and lack of skills.
  • It's Personal: Kriss becomes adamant in proving that he's superior to the Masked Gobbowler by eventually facing him in a one-on-one.
  • Mistaken for Gay: Sadlygrove and Eva have a romantic scene... while the latter is still Evangelyon, causing the entire stadium to stare for a few seconds.
    Actator: Hey, is just me or those two are really close?
  • Mundane Utility: The referee is a Xelor aptly named Slo-Mo, who uses his powers over time... so that spectators can enjoy certain critical actions in bullet time.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Jactance and his brother Tendynite: the former is short, wears red lipstick and wig and is the most bombastic and enthusiast of the duo, clearly rooting for Yugo; the latter is taller, wears bluish-purple lipstick with a white wig and is much calmer and collected.
  • Rewatch Bonus: Especially on a second view, the Masked Gobbowler's actions becomes more interesting when you know that she's actually Maude, Kriss' teacher/girlfriend.
  • Rubber Man: Being an Osamodas, Albarus shows the ability to stretch his arm to snatch the ball from Yugo.
  • Shaped Like Itself: When Jactance asks his brother what can he tell him about the Masked Gobbowler, he replies that all they know of him is that he's a Gobbowler... and wears a mask. He's also apparently the descendant of a legendary Brakmaria player named "Drago", infamous for his brutality.
  • Shout-Out:
  • Training from Hell: According to the announcer, Rhaboss' parents forced him to fight over his dinner with a pack of savage boowolves, in an attempt to cure his shyness. Now he's so ferocious he eats boowolves for breakfast.
  • Wham Shot: Before Brak A.C. can be executed for the heinous crime of having women in their team, the Masked Gobbowler removes the mask... revealing that, in fact, she's a woman, Maude.
