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Recap / Velma S1E6: "The Sins of the Fathers and Some of the Mothers"

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Velma vows to resolve her daddy issues. Norville rebels against his father's beta lifestyle. Fred fights against his family's anti-feminist ways. Daphne learns a series of shocking truths about her parents - and her past.


  • Artistic License – Biology: Daphne's biological-mother's explanation for her red hair was maybe because of heavy smoking all during pregnancy. While pregnant women doing things like smoking and drinking alcohol can cause birth defects, altering the baby’s hair color is not one of them.
  • Artistic License – Medicine: The school nurse used adrenaline shots to treat Velma's panic attacks. In reality, that's not the correct type of shot to give. In fact, it would likely make the panic attack worse.
  • Chekhov's Gun: The school nurse is only allowed two shots of adrenaline, which both get used up on Velma due to her picking through the evidence from her mother's case and suffering hallucinations both times. Then Gigi gets stung by a bee, and needs an adrenaline shot...
  • Hypocritical Humor: Sophia lambasts Aman for wanting to use his phone (due to him being on maternity leave) and then the former claims she will be using her phone to post something on the internet seconds later.
  • Karma Houdini: Even though Daphne finally accepts being Happily Adopted by Donna and Linda after learning Carroll and Darren's attempted betrayal from them, she still gets away with her drug dealing and helping her birth parents' mining operations.
  • Kick the Dog: Aman and Velma play a cruel prank on Sophie by taking Amanda from her crib which causes her to panic and it's all played for laughs.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: When Norville’s trying to act like a bad boy, he refuses to take any of Gigi’s calls. Later, he finds out that she was stung by a bee sting and his refusal to answer his phone could have led to her death.
