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Recap / Two Of These People Are Lying 4 X 01 CS

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Episode Title: The "Two Of These People Are Lying" Christmas Special.


  • Ask a Stupid Question...: Tom asks "Where do fake tits come from?" when Gary appends fake tits to Gazza's description, and Tom immediately gets snarky remarks back. Gary then clarifies that it's referring to Paul Gascoigne who, after the Italia '90, wore a pair while exiting a plane.
  • Blatant Lies: Tom guesses that the article in the first round belonged to Gary immediately after reading it on the basis it's the exact type of joke he would pull, something which Matt also corroborates later on. Gary, on the other hand, claims that it's rude to accuse him of this on the basis of it being a rude joke. In the end Tom was right on the money, much to Gary's annoyance.
  • Call-Back:
    • Tom striking Gary from his notebook is referenced at the start, which he has done multiple times because of Gary's Blatant Lies schtick.
    • Chris mentions that he should've placed the Badalisc Tunnel in Finland instead of Romania, referring to the multiple times Tom has been a Know-Nothing Know-It-All about Nordic languages and culture.
  • Hotter and Sexier: This episode features a lot more crass humour than any episode before it, something Gary notes as "his filter hasn't come on yet". Case in point, a tangent in the first round involved a pair of fake breasts and Gazza the Football player.
  • Kayfabe: Gary berates Matt for giving away the time period of when the episode was recorded (November, not December), as Gary had decided to loudly shout "It's Christmas!".
  • Product Placement: Parodied. Tom almost names the brand of chocolate that aligns with Chris's description of a Sri Lankan celebration.
  • Pun: Matt saying "Hauling Ass" when talking about donkey convoys.
  • Shameless Self-Promotion: The mid-break focuses on explaining a new channel for The Technical Difficulties content.
  • Shout-Out:
    • Gary shouting "It's Christmaaaaaassss!!!" in the same manner as the Roy Wood song "I Wish it could be Christmas".
    • Chris singing "Mystery Biscuits" when Gary mentions Gazza and the fake tits.
    • Chris paints an image for Matt where he breaks out laughing when the former mentions a "Donkey with a Cigar", that leads onto Chris saying "It loves it when a plan comes together", referring to Hannibals' line in The A-Team. Tom adds that one of the Donkeys doesn't want to get on a plane (B.A. Baracus hated flying), and Matt calls Baracus; "B.A. Ass-Ass".
    • To Eddie Stobart, a popular van convoy company, as they all joke that Donkeys' have the text "DONKEY STOBART" painted on them.
    • Chris alludes to the Three Flavours Cornetto Trilogy when talking about Matt's Italian Curnetto's.
