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Recap / The Real Ghostbusters S 2 E 35 Janine Melnitz Ghostbuster

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The Ghostbusters are working at a haunted library, while Janine is answering calls. They arrive at HQ and she tells them about several other calls they got, but Peter Venkman is tired. He asks Egon why there are so many ghosts in New York, but he doesn't know why. Winston and Ray go to put the ghosts in the containment unit, while Janine reveals that her apartment is haunted, but the Ghostbusters are too busy to deal with it.

When she arrives home, the furniture is on the ceiling. She yells, "Get out of here!", and some ghosts send it falling and laugh. Then, they put her bed on the wall while she's in it and make frogs come out of her shower. The next day at work, Janine tries to demand the ghosts be removed right then, but finds only Slimer at the firehouse. Meanwhile, the Ghostbusters trap some ghosts, and then Egon reveals that he's determined that all these new ghosts are coming from a single source.

Janine changes into one of Peter's spare uniforms and takes a proton pack home to try to trap the ghosts, with Slimer accompanying her. However, when she arrives home, they're gone. She's about to go back to work, when it goes dark and objects start flying around. She starts firing her proton pack, but the ghosts wrap her up in her curtains.

The Ghostbusters try to track down the source of the ghosts and they find a moving, haunted statue. They attack it, but the proton packs don't work on it, so they keep trying to fight it (on an ice rink) while a news crew tries to interview Winston.

Slimer traps the ghosts who were bothering Janine and she struggles free, then goes back to work. Janine and Slimer then watch TV, where it's revealed that the Ghostbusters have vanished, so they set out to find them. She tries using a PKE meter, but doesn't know how it works, so she sends a reluctant Slimer into the containment unit to ask another ghost for information. In the containment unit, the other ghosts, believing Slimer to be a "spy from the other side", chase him out.

Janine and Slimer enter a building and find a demon. She doesn't let them in without an "appointment", so Janine blasts through the door and finds the guys imprisoned behind a mirror. The entity who sent the ghosts into the city appears and threatens to take Janine prisoner and keep the five of them in limbo forever. She tries firing at him, but it doesn't work, so Slimer flies circles around his head, and Janine fires at the mirror, freeing the Ghostbusters and causing other mirrors to light up, blinding the demon. The Ghostbusters, Janine, and Slimer leave, then the building blows up.

Back at HQ, Peter Venkman agrees to give Janine a raise and she asks them to keep her apartment ghost-free (except for Slimer).

This episode provides examples of:

  • 13 Is Unlucky: The building Janine and Slimer enter to save the Ghostbusters lacks a thirteenth floor.
    Janine: "No thirteenth floor. Boy, some people are so superstitious!"
  • Animation Bump: As provided by Anime R, whose distinct artistic and animation style is present in many of the action-heavy scenes.
  • Animate Inanimate Object: Spectral energy ends up bringing a statue to life and causing it to attack.
  • Big Creepy-Crawlies: Discussed. Janine briefly mentions a giant cockroach.
  • Blinded by the Light: Exploited. Janine fires her proton pack at a mirror, lighting up it and other mirrors, and blinding the demon allowing him to be defeated.
  • Blowing a Raspberry: When a taxi driver has Janine pay extra for the slime Slimer made, Slimer blows a raspberry at the driver.
  • Continuity Nod: Egon reassures the other guys that Gozer (the main villain in the movie) isn't coming back.
  • A Day in the Limelight: Janine, who's usually a side character, is the main focus in this episode.
  • Distressed Dude: The Ghostbusters end up being imprisoned by a demon-like entity.
  • Ghostly Animals: Discussed when Peter Venkman mentions giant ghost lobsters.
  • Lightmare Fuel: The living statue is too powerful for the proton packs to work on him, so he's a dangerous threat, but at the same time, the Ghostbusters are trying to fight him while slipping around on an ice rink and a man is trying to interview Winston.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: One of the ghosts in the containment unit has red eyes that scare Slimer.
  • Shout-Out: When Janine reveals her apartment to be haunted, Venkman says, "Don't feel like The Lone Ranger."
  • Snarking Thanks: Peter insincerely "thanks" Ray for bringing something up.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: The main villain keeps changing form, which Janine comments gives her a headache.
