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Recap / The Punisher (2017) S02E12 "Collision Course"

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Buckle up — Mahoney and Frank are about to take a ride to remember. Amy makes an entrance, Russo cashes out, and Madani comes clean to Krista.


  • Call-Back: Castle's escape from the ambulance was covered by WJPB-TV, the same station which interviewed Mariah and covered the shooting at Pop's Barber Shop in season one of Luke Cage (2016).
  • Chekhov's Gun:
    • Russo's journal, which had been stolen by Madani and later taken by Russo during his incursion in her flat, is found by Madani at Dumont's apartment, proving that they're working together.
    • Amy hides in the trunk of the Pilgrim's car so she can surprise him on his own turf. But it wasn't his car, it was a car he stole. From Madani. Who's a cop. So there was a shotgun in the trunk. Meaning Amy has a weapon.
    • In the classic sense of the trope the Sawn-Off Shotgun finally gets fired, tagging Pilgrim in the leg.
  • Damsel in Distress: Subverted. It initially looks like the Pilgrim grabbed Amy and she dropped her cellphone. Turns out she dropped it and hid in the trunk of his car so she could go after him.
  • Designated Girl Fight: Madani and Dr. Dumont have a brutal fight in the latter's apartment.
  • Destination Defenestration: Madani throws Dr. Dumont out a third story window during their fight, causing her to die in the manner her father meant for her.
  • Dramatic Dislocation: Frank rams his shoulder against the side of the ambulance to put his arm back into place.
  • "Eureka!" Moment: Madani pieces together the fact that Dumont is in bed with Russo after a) Russo uses the same term on the phone she used earlier b) when she starts asking some oddly specific questions about Frank and Billy and c) when she finds Russo's journal in Dumont's apartment.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Billy is revealed to actually care about the men of his gang, talking them out of going after Castle and getting them new identities so they can start a new life.
  • Flowers of Romance: Billy gets something blue, in reference to Krista using that color to ground him when he has a panic attack.
  • Gay Conservative: Senator David Schultz. The fact that he is in the closet was what started the whole bloodbath in Chicago and since.
  • Hallway Fight: Madani and Krista briefly fight in the hallway of her apartment before it carries into the living room.
  • Heel–Face Door-Slam: After Frank escapes, Billy decides to forego revenge even when his gang urges it. He gives them forged passports so they can get out of the country, and has one for Krista so they can flee too. He returns just in time to see her bleeding out on the pavement, before charging upstairs to get revenge.
  • Impersonating an Officer: Franks spends the whole episode wearing O'Rourke's stolen uniform and even uses his badge number over a payphone to get Senator Shultz's address from the precinct.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: Senator Schultz truly had no idea of the criminal lengths his parents had gone to preserve the secret of his sexual orientation or the massive trail of dead bodies it entailed.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: Krista ringing up Madani and pumping her for information arouses her suspicions.
  • Nothing Personal: Pilgrim tells Curtis that he has no quarrel with him and just wants Frank and Amy.
  • Pet the Dog: Billy gives a florist a very generous tip.
  • Punk in the Trunk: Amy evades Pilgrim by hiding in the trunk of Madani's car and secretly hitching a ride back to Pilgrim's hideout.
  • Retired Monster: What Billy and Krista plan to do – start a new life with new identities far away. But then Madani pushes Krista out of the window and Billy gets hellbent on revenge...
  • Self Stitching: Amy is able to track down what room Pilgrim is in by the sound of him pulling the shotgun pellets out of his leg.
  • Shear Menace: Dr. Dumont attacks Madani with pair of scissors.
  • Stock Visual Metaphor: Madani goes to confront Dumont. Dumont puts a kettle on for tea. Madani finds proof Dumont is collaborating with Russo and prepares to up the confrontation. Dumont attacks her. The fight comes to a boil at the same time the kettle does. Madani pushes Dumont out a window with the kettle screaming in the background.
  • True Companions:
    • Billy's gang wants to make Frank pay for killing their friends. Russo, not wanting to see any more of his friends die, gives them new identities and papers instead to start a safe new life.
    • Also, Curtis refuses to give up Frank and Amy, even when staring down the barrel of a gun.
  • Ungrateful Bastard: Subverted – after Frank pulls Mahoney away from the exploding ambulance in time, the latter still draws his gun on him...but Frank correctly assesses that Mahoney would never just shoot him in the back after that and walks away unharmed.
  • White Sheep: Poor David Schultz had no hand in the bloodbath his parents ordered and is rightfully horrified about it after being confronted by Frank.
  • The Worf Effect: Even though he is already beaten and shot up, Pilgrim still defeats Curtis after a brutal battle.
