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Recap / The Proud Family S 2 E 29 She Drives Me Crazy

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During one of Suga Mama's driving antics, she accidentally causes Penny to break her leg before her next football game. It's revealed that Suga Mama's driver's license has long expired, which then forces her to call Trudy to take her to different places. The constant juggling between taking care of Penny and driving Suga Mama around eventually drives Trudy crazy, so she makes Oscar take the latter to the DMV so that she can renew her license. The visit ends horribly on the driving test, which causes Suga Mama to lose her confidence. One day, when the family visits Suga Mama to cheer her up, she surprisingly mistakes Penny for Puff. After a visit from Dr. Payne, they learn that her glasses are defective, and that Puff was the one who helped her at the DMV until she took the driving test, which prohibits pets. Dr. Payne gives Suga Mama a new pair of glasses, which later helps her pass the driving test and get her driver's license renewed. She eventually takes Penny to the football game to support her team, but in the process, she loses (and breaks) her new glasses and drives around the stadium.


  • Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: Oscar boasts that Suga Mama has survived the Titanic, the Hindenburg, the meteor that killed the dinosaurs, and 30 years of The Jeffersons reruns.
  • Artistic License – History: The Hindenburg disaster when Oscar brings it up is portrayed as having been caused by the cords holding it together having snapped, causing it to fly out of control and run out of air like a balloon. In real life, the Hindenburg is a hydrogen airship that set ablaze and killed 35 people on board.
  • Drives Like Crazy: Due to having poor vision, Suga Mama's driving turns out to be this. Though she eventually passes the driving test after Dr. Payne gives her new glasses, she defaults back to her previous driving capabilities after losing her new glasses.
  • Exorcist Head: Trudy displays this when she pressures Oscar into taking Suga Mama to get her driver's license renewed. Her face turns red, and her eyes turn into fireballs, on top of her voice turning deep and booming. One has to wonder if this is what Oscar sees when Trudy gets mad.
  • Heroic BSoD: Suga Mama gets hit by this hard after failing the driving test, to the point where she refuses to open the door for Trudynote , and has a nightmare about not having a license. She even lets Oscar do whatever he wants when they visit her, it's that bad.
  • Injured Limb Episode: Penny breaks her leg in the beginning.
  • No Swastikas: As you’d expect in any kids show, the Hindenburg is shown without swastikas emblazoned on its tail, as it was in real life.
  • Opinion-Changing Dream: It takes one bad dream to break Suga Mama's spirit and convince her she cannot go anywhere without a license.
  • Pride: When it's ousted that Suga Mama's defective glasses are the reason she's bad at driving, everyone wonders why she didn't tell anyone sooner about it. Solemnly, she admits that she was too proud to talk about it.
  • Rage Breaking Point: Trudy reaches the end of her rope as she's taking care of Penny and driving Suga Mama, which leads to her making Oscar take Suga Mama to renew her license.
  • Shout-Out: The montage of Trudy attending to Suga Mama and Penny is set to a techno version of the Wicked Witch of the West's leitmotif from The Wizard of Oz that gets progressively slower after each stance.
