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Recap / The Pretender S 1 E 16 Under The Reds

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Jarod goes undercover as a paramedic. Miss Parker learns about Sydney's twin brother, Jacob, who has been comatose in a nursing home for decades.

This episode contains examples of:

  • Bittersweet Ending: Jarod foils a hospital scam that was bilking families out of insurance money, but the person he was there to help (a wrestler who slipped into a coma after a head injury) dies.
  • But Now I Must Go: The Chamberses decide to donate Steven's heart to a boy in Cleveland. After Steven dies, Jarod intends to handle the transport himself.
    Dr. Corey: Where are you going?
    Jarod: Cleveland.
  • Chronic Hero Syndrome: In the opening flashback, Jarod runs a timed simulation of trying to save people during a collapse. Jarod ultimately fails because he tries to rescue an extra person rather than abide by the time limit.
    Sydney: What? Save him? You can't save everyone, Jarod, no matter how hard you try.
  • Converse with the Unconscious: The Chamberses have been reading Oliver Twist to Steven. They insist on finishing it before the plug is pulled, with Mrs. Chambers saying she wants Steven to know how it ends. Sydney also talks to Jacob.
  • Dead Person Impersonation: Downplayed. Vargas does a background check on Jarod's assumed identity and discovers that the person whose biographical details Jarod is using is a house-bound invalid on the other side of the country.
  • Death Faked for You: Sydney and Miss Parker fake the death of Sydney's comatose brother Jacob after Mr. Raines decides Jacob needs to be killed to prevent the risk of Jacob recovering and spilling the Centre's secrets.
  • Despair Event Horizon: Mrs. Chambers admits she's given up hope that Steven will ever wake up. She says she knows her husband is the same way, even if he hasn't admitted it yet.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Shortly before the accident, Jacob appears to have learned how the Centre obtained custody of children like Jarod, and he didn't like the answer one bit.
  • He Knows Too Much: Raines considers Jacob a threat to Centre interests and orders him killed before he can start talking.
  • If You're So Evil, Eat This Kitten!: Miss Parker is ordered to demonstrate her loyalty to the Centre by personally murdering Jacob. She fakes it with Sydney's collusion, but the audience is not shown this until after she's apparently gone through with it.
  • Match Cut: The A and B-plots each revolve around a comatose patient (Steven Chambers in the A-plot; Jacob in the B-plot). At one point in the episode, there's a match cut from one to the other.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Thorton was riding in the ambulance when Rennert took Steven Chambers to Queen of Mercy rather than a closer hospital. She did protest the decision at the time but never filed a complaint. Jarod confronts her about it during a ride, and she talks about her struggles to keep Steven awake.
    Thorton: It was my first week under the reds, Jarod. It took all the guts I had just to tell him we were going the wrong way. Rennert, he warned me never to second-guess him in his rig. I didn't want any trouble. I just... I just wanna help people.
  • Obstructive Bureaucrat: A subplot involves a paperwork-obsessed bureaucrat who causes Jarod trouble by actually following up on the fake paper trail Jarod created to get his current job as a paramedic. He's initially played for laughs as an example of this trope, but is afforded a moment of humanity near the end in which he explains that he's motivated by the thought that their organization holds people's lives in their hands, and he's doing his best to ensure they're the best hands possible.
  • Outliving One's Offspring: After the last treatment fails, the Chamberses agree to disconnect Steven from life support and donate his heart to a boy in Cleveland.
  • Survivor's Guilt: Sydney was driving the night of the accident that left Jacob comatose. At some point, he later had Jarod run a simulation on the whole incident, and it confirmed his fear that he could've avoided the other vehicle had he just been a little bit more careful. Sydney feels that he should've been the one left comatose.
  • Throw the Dog a Bone: Before slipping back into the coma, Jacob writes a note for Sydney: "Not your fault."
  • Title Drop: By Thornton when Jarod confronts her about Rennert taking Steven Chambers to Queen of Mercy.
  • Vorpal Pillow: Miss Parker's faked murder of Jacob is carried out by apparently smothering him with a pillow.
  • We Named the Monkey "Jack": Jarod names a lab mouse after Sydney's brother, as a way of sending Sydney a private hint about the nature of the research it was used in.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Broots is initially evasive about where Miss Parker and Sydney went, until Mr. Raines asks how his daughter, Debbie, is in a threatening tone.
