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Recap / The Nostalgia Critic S 1 E 24

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Release: August 18, 2008

Movie: Follow That Bird (1985)

This review contains examples of:

  • Big "SHUT UP!": To the Dodo family's incessant chatter.
  • I'm a Humanitarian: During Bum's review:
    Bum: ...Cookie Monster ate his car because he thought it was a cookie! I thought my car was a cookie once! But it wasn't a cookie. Or a car. It was MAN.
  • Obligatory Joke: Even though The Critic melts at seeing Bert & Ernie, he feels obligated to make a gay joke, though he immediately regrets it:
    Critic: Ahem. As you notice, uh, Bert and Ernie are sharing the exact same plane. That's because they also share the exact same bed! (laughs) See, it's because- I CAN'T DO IT! I CAN'T MAKE FUN OF SESAME STREET!
  • Overly Long Name: When the Critic melts at Snuffleufagus:
    Critic: What the hell is wrong with me?! I'm the Nostalgia Critic! Not the Pussified Emotional Cries Over Every Sesame Street-Related Motion Picture Epic Where Every Person Puppet and Occasional Crappy Animated Animal Tugs at Your Heartstrings Critic!
  • Rule of Three:
    Bum: So they have a big car chase scene and they're like, "Jump!" And he's like, "No!" And they're like, "Jump!" And he's like, "No!" And they're like, "Jump!" And he's like, "Okay."
