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Recap / The Mr Men Show S 2 E 6 Shoes

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  • Miss Sunshine and Mr. Bump go to Mr. Nosy and Mr. Small's shoe shop, where they are looking for shoes to buy. Mr. Bump's choices of shoes are inevitable, as they contain rocket boosters!
  • UK Deleted Plot: Mr. Noisy advertises for his Shoe-torium.
  • Mr. Messy is on a hunt for his lost shoe in the woods with Mr. Quiet and Mr. Stubborn. A bear is lurking around in the woods, but Mr. Stubborn tries to convince Mr. Messy that there are no bears in the woods.
  • A play called Little Miss Cinderella is being performed at the theatre, and Mr. Grumpy is cast as Prince Charming. After tons of stressful acting, he decides to quit and Mr. Fussy takes over his role.

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