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Recap / The Interns S 9 E 4

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Bykov has a conflict with Kisegach due to him being "indifferent" to their future baby's sex ("Why worry if we can't change it? Let's receive what we would receive"). However, he becomes interested when Kupitman starts taking bets for ultrasound scan's results. Bykov actually "wins" his bet by saying it's a boy, but Kisegach learns about the whole affair and is now infuriated. She confronts Bykov about it, and he tries to convince her that he genuinely started wanting to have a son; he even used the money he'd won to buy his future son a toy bike, so he would become some sort of "Lizard Jr". The memory is all too fresh, so she calls him out on being too reckless.

Phil saves a suicidal patient from jumping out of the window, but no one seems to care. Neither direct witnesses, nor other interns, nor Rita or Kisegach. In fact, Kisegach even suggests him to hide this incident, due to some "yellow press" magazine trying to use it for cheap hype, which may lead to unwanted attention for the hospital. Phil feels insulted by the lack of praise for his "heroism", and decides to deal with the situation by going wasted on vodka. Semyon calls him out on it, and then tells him that he wants way too much for something so ordinary. On the next day, Phil comes to the hospital while suffering from a heavy hangover, and sees everyone praising him. He's finally happy, unaware that Lobanov has told everyone that he managed to drink entire bottle of vodka solo, without snacks, and they're impressed by this. Once he learns this, his mood immediately goes down.

Semyon and Polina must work together with particularly nasty patient. Before they proceeds to work, Polina asks him just why Gleb dislikes her so much. But before Semyon manages to even start explaining, she jumps at the conclusion that he may, actually, being secretly in love with her (which Lobanov doesn't bother to disprove)! Which is a problem, because she certainly feels nothing to him. She invites Gleb into caffe after work, so they can discuss it further. Gleb finally reveals to Polina that not only he doesn't "love" her — he hates her... which she still interprets as him trying to convince himself of it.

This episode provides examples of:

  • Apathetic Citizens: A patient wants to jump out of the window, but rather than stop him, everyone are standing right here and watching; one guy even replies to Phil's questions with "Why we're standing here? Waiting until he jumps; interesting, what would happen next". They don't react when he saves the guy, either.
  • The Bet: Kisegach's baby's sex would be revealed today, and Kupitman already started accepting bets for it. Bykov quickly joins (betting on it being a boy). Even ultrasonic scan's operator made his own bet (on boy, too). Bykov wins, but later Kisegach overhears Pasha's discussion with one of the nurses (Pasha had lost), and gets very angry. She only forgives him when he reveals that he spent the money to buy stuff for their future baby.
  • Can't Spit It Out: During discussion with Semyon just why Gleb ignores her at any cost, Polina comes to conclusion that he may secretly love her, but can't spit it out. Lobanov agrees on this version, because it would allow both to get rid of Polina and take revenge at Gleb for backstabbing Semyon (which led to him being paired with Polina in the first place). Polina considers this to be a problem because she feels nothing to him.
  • Driven to Suicide: The patient whom Phil saves from a suicide attempt planned to kill himself due to being tired of "his life, Moscow, his girlfriend and his illness".
  • Drowning My Sorrows: Phil's solution to his "heroism" being ignored is to get wasted on vodka. Instead, it only makes him very, very angry.
  • Dude, Where's My Respect?: Phil just prevented a suicide attempt, but no one seems to care (while Phil expected to be praised as a hero). The only one who cares is Kisegach... and she tells him to keep quiet about this, because some "yellow press" magazine is trying to use this situation for cheap hype.
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: Polina is so disliked by the other interns, they considers being tasked to work with her being a punishment in its own right. This time, Semyon is the unluckiest one. This is also a plot point, because Polina finally notices that Gleb can't stand her, and tries to learn from Lobanov just why.
  • Imagine Spot: Phil prevents a suicide attempt, and imagines being praised as a hero. He gets highly disappointed when turns out that no one cares.
  • It's All About Me: When asked by Polina why Gleb dislikes her so much, Semyon, to not give her the real reason, states that Gleb literally likes no one but himself; when she tries to insist, reformulating her question as "why Gleb dislikes [her] more than everyone else?", he suggests to just ask Gleb himself.
  • Interrupted Suicide: What kickstarts Phil's plot: he saves some random guy's life... only to realise that no one cares.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: Yes, Bykov's point may sound a bit cynical — but is he wrong? They can't change their future baby's sex in any way, and they would accept it either way; so why worrying for the sake of worrying, like Kisegach does, if neither of results would be bad anyway? Granted, he later tries to use baby's sex as a way to raise some money, but he correctly points out the problems in Kisegach's way of thought. He also invests those money in their baby instead of spending on himself (albeit the choice of a toy is questionable, given recent events).
  • Small Role, Big Impact: Semyon's only involvement in the plot is him (accidentally) causing Polina to think that Gleb is secretly in love with her (thus kickstarting her and Gleb's plot), and him busting Phil during his attempt to get wasted, about which he later tell to Rita, thus causing final events of Phil's plot. Otherwise, Semyon has no his own plot in this episode.
  • Sustained Misunderstanding: Polina thinks that Gleb may be secretly in love with her, and tries to convince him not to pursuit her. In truth, Gleb can't stand her, and once he realises why she acts in such weird manner, he (unsuccessfully) tries to convince her that she has the wrong information. Then (after calling Lobanov and telling him that he's a jerk) he tells Polina to shut up and explains that he not only doesn't love her — he hates her. Even then she misinterprets it as him trying to convince himself, and congratulates him on the "right tactic". At least, issue gets resolved either way.
  • Tempting Fate: Semyon regrets telling Gleb that he wants nothing to do with Polina, stating as a reason Gleb being unreliable, and him not wanting to risk Bykov finding out. Gleb backstabs him at the first opportunity, resulting in Semyon being forced to work with Polina.
  • Vodka Drunkenski: Phil finally receives his praise in the end... for getting wasted the previous night. He comments on absurdity of the situation:
    Phil: What a country! Saved a man — no one cares; finished a bottle of vodka — everyone praises you!
  • Wants a Prize for Basic Decency: How other character reacts to Phil whining about not being praised for his "heroism". Common arguments are: "it's a hospital, we're saving people here on daily basis"; "this dude was just some Drama Queen and wanted free attention"; "there was little actual danger for him, broken leg at worst". Best summed out by Lobanov, who asks "What you had expected? A medal?"
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Kisegach calls Bykov out on betting on their baby's sex to earn some money. Then she learns that he spent those money to buy a toy bike preemptively, and calls him irresponsible (the memories of Bykov being nearly killed by a truck are still fresh).
